테러전쟁은 만들어진 전쟁, 슬픈 진혼곡 - BBC
영국 BBC 악몽의 권력 Power of Nightmares 이라는 제목의 다큐를 내놓는데요 골자는 911 사건 이후에 테러전쟁을 죽도록 했는데 그게 도대체 무슨 일이었느냐 밝혀보자는 이야기였습니다. 왜 10년이나 저지른 전쟁을 새삼스레 들추느냐고요? 영국 방송의 시각으로는 그것은 말짱 조작된 전쟁이었을뿐이라는 이야기입니다.
아, 슬픈 이야기를 이제사 꺼냅니다. 알카에다도 실체없이 꾸며진 조직이고요 그것을 이끌었다는 빈라덴의 실체도 확인할 수없는 그저 말뿐인 조직이었다는 이야기입니다. 그럼 이제 어떻게 해야하나요? 이제 그런 공포를 목적으로한 쇼는 끝내야죠. 유령을 만들어놓고 싸우는 기막힌 쇼는 끝내야죠. 그럼 그간 테러전쟁으로 죽은 사람이며 파괴는 어쩌냐고요? 그것은 진혼곡을 불러야 합니다. 다른 수가 없습니다.
인류를 공포전쟁으로 내몰던 그 일은 이제 그만 내려놓길 바랍니다. 이제 동굴의 그림자로부터 나오세요, 어둠의 군대여, 사탄의 추종자여, 일루미나티, 3백인회 회원여러분, 이제 끝을 낼 시간입니다.
요약멘트 출처: http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7863457
방영된 영상보기 - 아래 클릭 !! click here
Power of Nightmares
BBC: Fake Terror (22m)
The Power of Nightmares
The revealing BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares digs deep into the roots of the war on terror, only to find that much of the widespread fear in the post-9/11 world has been fabricated by those in power for their own interests. The intrepid BBC team presents highly revealing interviews with top officials and experts in combating terrorism who raise serious questions about who is behind all of the fear-mongering. These experts and riveting footage also show how the media have been manipulated to support secret war and power agendas.
This eye-opening documentary shows that, especially after 9/11, fear has been used widely in the media to manipulate the public into giving up civil liberties and turning over power to elite groups with their own hidden agendas. The Power of Nightmares clearly demonstrates that the nightmare vision of a powerful, united terrorist organization waiting to strike our societies is largely an illusion. Wherever the BBC team looked for al-Qaeda, from the mountains of Afghanistan to the sleeper cells in America, they found that we are chasing a phantom enemy. For all citizens who care about the future of our world, this is a must-watch video.
Each episode is one hour. Part 3 is the most revealing. A 22-minute summary is also available.
For 22 minutes of the best excerpts from this three-hour documentary, click here.
For a high quality version of the most revealing third part of Power of Nightmares, click here.
Click here to watch all three parts and read reviews of Power of Nightmares on archive.org.
For an excellent review of Power of Nightmares in the Los Angeles Times, click here.
For a full written transcript of each part of Power of Nightmares: Part 1Part 2Part 3
For transcripts, audio and video downloads, and other excellent information on the series, click here.
To order all three parts of Power of Nightmares on one DVD, click here.
Another excellent, revealing BBC/Adam Curtis documentary, Century of the Self, delves into the history of mass propaganda and its power to shape public perception. Click here to purchase.Click here to watch it free.
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