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Gulf Oil Disaster: Plan Evacuation Now

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Gulf Coast Oil SpillGulf Coast Oil SpillOil Spill Gulf CoastOil Spill Gulf CoastGulf CoastOilSpill FlyoverNasa Oil Slick PhotosNasa Oil Slick PhotosOil Coated Brown PelicanOil Slick PhotosOil Spill Alabama CoastOil Spill Bird RescueThe oil slick has reached the coasts of Louisiana Alabama Mississippi and FloridaBP Deepwater HorizonBP family and third-party contractor hotline (281) 366-5578APTOPIX Gulf Oil Spilldeep water horizon oil rigEnergy Environment Oil SpillFlorida Oil Spill Information Line (888) 337-3569Lawyers file charges against BPOil on the waterOil spill picturesOil Spill WaveA supply vessel passes through oilA sea of crossesA worker uses a suction hoseOil slicks move toward Gulf ShoresA sea turtle is mired in oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Grand Terre Island, LouisianaPlaquemines ParishAn oiled brown pelican