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+ 지구/샨/가이아/유란티아의 전 우주적 지원요청 2 [AH]

유란티아 / 가이아의 6월 21일, 하지의 날 정오 [세계표준시간 - 한국 밤 9시]

지구/샨/가이아/유란티아의 전 우주적 지원요청

가이아의 지원을 위한 거대한 요청

HUGE CALL for Support to GAIA

bY AH Support Team. 6/14/2010


(Candace: 이것은 AH 서포트 팀에 의해 씌어졌습니다. 나는 그것의 계획과 아무 관계가 없으며, 사실 그 생각을 거부했는데, 내가 그것을 계획할 여지가 없었기 때문입니다. 그들이 그것을 해냈습니다! 여기 그것이 있습니다. 서머타임이 적용되는 곳에서는 정각 오후 1시가 됩니다. 그리고 우리는 이미 하지를 지났으며, 태양의 위치가 그렇게 말해줍니다.)

지구/샨/가이아/유란티아와 그녀의 빛의 주민들의 전우주적 지원을 위한 전면적 요청의 선포


모든 영광을 하나로, 그리고 하나로 모든 영광을! ALL GLORY TO THE ONE AND TO THE ONE ALL GRORY!

우리들, 어번던트호프 서포트 AbundantHope Support 의 멤버들은, 상승하고 하강하는 빛의 모든 지적 존재들에게, 오르본톤의 수퍼유니버스 Superuniverse of Orvonton 의 네바돈 지역우주 Local Universe of Nebadon 의 놀라티아덱 성운의 사타니아 지역 시스템 Local System of Satania of the Constellation of Norlatiadek 안의 몬마티아의 모탈 생명 시스템 Mortal Life System of Monmatia 안의, 가이아 Gaia 의 상승을 달성하기 위한 지원과 의도의 에너지 펄스를 창조하는데, 우리들과 합류해줄 것을 요청하고 있습니다.

우리는 모든 사용가능한 차원들과 밀도들의 모든 관심 있고, 앎을 가진 그룹들, 존재들, 인격들, 실체들이 모든 것들의 제일 근원이자 중심의 의지 Will of the First Source and Center of All Things 와, 네바돈의 크라이스트 마이클/아톤, 그 자신의 우주의 지고의 조건 없는 주권자 Christ Michael/Aton of Nebadon, Supreme Unconditional Sovereign of the Universe of His Own Making 의 의지에 따라, 이 상승과 그 달성 및 완성의 우리의 지원을 선언하는데 우리와 합류할 것을 요청하고 있습니다.

이것이 전례 없고 엄청난 과업이므로, 우리는 파라다이스 삼위일체 The Paradise Trinity, 모든 우주들의 마이클 아들들 Michael Sons of all Universes, 모든 우주들의 어머니 영들 Mother Spirits of all Universes, 모든 행성들과 태양들, 모든 국가들과 민족들, 원소들의 그룹들과 조합들, 빛의 용들 Lighted Dragons, 유니콘들 Unicorns, 그리핀들 Griffins, 엘브들 Elves, 요정들 Faeries, 고래들 Whales, 돌핀들 Dolphins, 자연의 모든 영들 all Spirits of Nature, 상승했거나, 육화했거나, 알려지거나 알려지지 않은 마스터들 Masters, 붓다들 Buddhas, 보디사티바들 Bodhisativas, 현자들 Saints, 마기들 Magis, 미스틱들 Mystics, 빛의 과학자들 Lighted Scientists, 모든 빛의 일꾼들 Lightworkers, 그리고 장대한 창조의 영역 안의 신성한 봉사자들 Divine Servants within the Realm of the Grand Creation 의 빛과 의지에 봉사하는, 빛의 모든 영적 정부들 all Hierarchies of Light, 하보나의 인들과 존재들 Havona personalities and beings, 엘로힘 Elohim, 멜키제덱들 Melchizedeks, 천사들 Angelic, 대천사 Archangelic 존재들, 모론시아적, 은하적, 우주적, 초우주적 시민들 Morontial, galactic, Universal and Superuniversal citizens 의 지원을 요청하고 받아들입니다.

우리는 유란시아/가이아의 6월 21일, 하지의 날에, 표준시간 universal time, 정오의 시간과 공간의 점에서, 모든 지원하는 존재들이 가이아가 그녀의 과정을 더욱 가속적으로 완성에 도달하도록 해줄, 절실히 필요한 사랑과 에너지를 창조하고 신성한 의지를 집중시킬, 통일된 에너지 펄스로서 봉사할, 21단어의 의도/행동을 보내줄 것을 요청합니다.

우리들, 어번던트호프의 지원 팀은 그러한 전면적 요청이 가장 적절하다고 느낍니다. 창조의 역사에서 그 어느 때에도, 여기서 지금 이루어지고 있는 그러한 일이 이루어진 적이 없었습니다. 결코 그 어느 때에도, 창조의 광대함에 두루 걸쳐 온 그처럼 많은 존재들이 단일한 사건을 향해 하나의 생각과 목적을 가지고, 하나로서 함께 온 적이 없었습니다.

우리는 당신이 가이아의 상승의 이 결정적 순간을 우리들과 함께 공동 창조할 이 중대한 시기에 우리에게 합류해줄 것을 요청합니다.

21자의 단어는 다음과 같습니다.


하나의 가슴 ONE HEART

하나의 마음 ONE MIND

하나의 사랑 ONE LOVE




하나의 존재 ONE BEING


하나의 의지 ONE WILL

지금 NOW

우리는 당신이 이 사건을 위한 신성한 의지와 그것을 지원하는 모든 일들의 단합을 명상하면서 시간을 보내기를 요청합니다. 우리 모두가 이것을 함께 창조하는 그 순간이 올 때, 그 하나됨 Oneness 속에 있으면서, 그 하나됨 Oneness이 되세요.

우리는 이 말들을 읽고, 우리의 목소리를 들어준 것에 대해 당신들에게 감사합니다. 우리는 이 문제로 당신이 준 시간과 고려에 대해 감사하며, 당신의 지원을 환영합니다. 우리의 사랑과 빛이 모든 당신들 각자에게 나갑니다.





우리는 모두 하나입니다 WE ARE ALL ONE.

어번던트호프 서포트 팀


가이아의 지원을 위한 거대한 요청 -2

HUGE CALL for Support to GAIA - 2

By AH Support Team and Candace

Jun 20, 2010 - 6:09:08 PM


Written by the folks on AHS. I had nothing to do with planning it and in fact rejected the idea, as I have NO room left to plan it. They did it! Here it is. BUT there is a lack on knowledge in the creation of this piece, and I posted a lot of commentary on AHS and also by email. And I took it down for a bit, trying to decide how to handle this. I will let the idea stand, but with these various teachings:

A. Anymore, the earth does not conform to man's calendar and this includes Solstice. I am not sure when it was this year, but summer solstice last year was a couple weeks early or so. Just a few days ago when I up early enough to see the sun rise, on purpose, because I didn't like where it set the day before, I was in a state of shock. It is already much further south than the last time a checked weeks ago. And it did not go anywhere near as far north as it did last summer. That part is good I think, because it was going so far, I feared it might keep going and the planet would flip, which is not the same as a magnetic pole reversal and indeed there was that possibility which was was shown in a "mind movie" to me as Eve likes to call them. Solstice should be reckoned WHEN it occurs and not when man thinks it occurrs, as doing this just keeps the masses in ignorance. So tomorrow is NOT solstice.

B. The Time that was decided is not right either, because "High Noon" based on UTC time is NOT High Noon except in England and other countries in that time zone. And "high noon" varies over the one hour time zones. High Noon is WHEN the sun is it's highest, the midpoint of each day. One argued that high noon was 11:??. I don't remember the time. But it is not. It varies even during normal years over the seasons, at least 15 minutes on each side of "noon." Most people have no idea how to determine it where they live. If I had to observe this "high noon" UTC this would be before I rise in the morning.

So if you want to do it, do it approximately high noon where you live. And if you are in daylight savings time that is around 1 PM, not "noon." This extends it over 24 hours, rather than a 10 minute hot shot.

C. Regards high noon, I made a post asking what was NOT understood about the piece Eve did with Adama of Telos. HE SAID THEY were working in SHIFTS around the clock to give love and energy to the Mother. Hot Shots are NOT adequate and are a false new age teaching to distract you all and it worked, there were pages and pages of discussion about this, all the while I was trying to get my forum reopened and paid exactly NO attention until a friend let me know what was going on. And even after the piece was written, there were a couple more pages about that "time." for it. People couldn't seem to figure out what "high noon" UTC was in their own time zones. I can figure it in mine, because I am often having to think in UTC since I follow the quakes and the magnetosphere. But many of you have no clue.

D. Now the next thing I complained about was what I called a HOT SHOT above. This is about the same as remembering Christ's birthday once a year and not the rest of the year. Kibo went with this to GAIA and GAIA replied, and very logically so, that she needs a warm bath all the time, and not a big bucket of water poured on her head. New Age is INFESTED with bad teachings, beloveds. And many of you accept them, and if you would but stop to think and ponder within, during meditation, your higher self by whatever name would confirm that a lot of these practices flat stink. But regards the Hot Shot, I will explain where there is potential below.

Many of you accept them just like the Evangelical Christians accept the idea of Jesus coming on a White Light, or a White Horse and taking them without their clothes to heaven to have an eternity of family barbecues with him. They actually think these bodies will work in heaven and that somehow at the time of the resurrection, even the dead, whose bodies are LONG GONE to dust will somehow get them back. OK., get the point? I am not being mean here, I am asking you to reason. Just like the request made in the PJ's OFTEN. Use your God given minds!

There are some in new age who even "think" and "believe" that "heaven" is a state of doing nothingness bliss somewhere! Or that AA Michael will take all the light workers to the new golden galaxy. I once started a thread on GLP on the topic of what do you do for Trillions of Years in "heaven." Well the new ages tended to post, there is no time in those fluffy heaven clouds, so it doesn't matter. This is another new age lie, because each revolving sphere anywhere in the creation measures some sort of time. Nebadon has it's own "time" as does the Superuniverse too, by which things are measured and accomplished.

This stuff is NO better than the Christian rapture. If it seems to good to be true, you can discern the LIE. Then there is that Islamic thing some muslims "warriors" believe in, that if they sacrifice themselves, they will have 21 virigins or whatever the number is. You don't need virgins in "heaven" as you do not have a physical reproducing type of body on those higher spheres. And heaven forbid, that the higher sphere's ARE planets. Some deny that. Will, you just float out in cold space then? We have a lot of work ahead of us.

E. OK, then, what is the WARM BATH for GAIA? Daily remembering of her! And more than just remembrance beloveds, there is ACTION. GAIA, as shown in my piece with her, needed your commitment to ACTION! And as I will entail some ideas of what action is below. But for now, let's discuss the technique behind the idea of this big blast. If you truly KNEW the power of your minds and did this using that power, you could literally move this planet into 5d vibration or higher, and most of the life would drop off it if you did but if you did this with a hot shot, the planet would cool again in response in an equal but opposite reaction and it's not the method of choice for getting into 5d. As Gaia explained thru me, and we have otherwise said, the ascending planet has little meaning with her civilization upon her.

The dark ones KNOW the power of mind, the smarter ones anyway, and that is why they advertised the hurricane that hit EAST of New Orleans so heavily. They wanted the population to actually want to see New Orleans destroyed and sought their help. However, the prayers of real caring folks were heard and that hurricane was downgraded and shifted east, and little of it hit New orleans, because of the west winds blow OUT to sea, not in. So, since the dark were not successful they blew up the levies and continued the lie. These games were used also in the United States to gain support for the wars we are engaged in.

F. Now is there value then to spiritual techniques such as the one suggested for tomorrow, Yes, IF you know what you are doing and hot shots aren't usually adequate. When the dark side is setting folks up for hurricanes, you can become of one mind during the entire formation of the hurricane and drive it elsewhere, back out to sea, or dissipate it, or at least turn it way down. Our American Indian brothers knew this. And they became of one wind to change the weather as needed. And HOT SHOTS can work in emergency situations if there is ONE MIND that understands the implications or a leader to assure that.

At the time the person who started the movement on AHS for this, we had already posted the Mother was coming around there. Don did and I added my support. That was on a Thursday, June 10th I think. The work in essence had already be accomplished, and a "hot shot" made too strong as above could cause more problems than help. We do not have the technology developed yet for an ascended planet, it does NO good to blast her upwards, any more than it does any good to plunge a living thing in boiling water, except if you wish to kill bacteria or something of that sort.

G. NOW, what about the ACTIONS? GAIA needs more than your hugs. She needs you to daily stand in your shows and help out with the problems of this planet. She needs you to demonstrate right living around the clock. And as I am finishing this, I had a sense of something new up and I see Don's piece with Esu and MJ, about YES AND NO! Well Esu knew I was planning this. So by your actions you must demonstrate a balance of YES and NO.

Right now you all have jobs for example and stores are miles away and you need to drive your cars, massive mind action will not make every car on this planet an electrical generating vehicle and all of us did, whether we wish to admit it or not, make this mess of auto's possible by the dark, because years ago we did NOT say NO....... But how can you say YES, and show a path under the existing conditions? By not using the thing UNLESS necessary. This takes planning and you have to just say NO to your teenagers going out surfing in them too. You can say create two days a month to do all your shopping, yes, even for a family.

Do you take your own bags to the store? Probably not most of you. What do you do with all those bags you bring home? Recycling is not the answer either and most of you don't anyway. These generally are shipped to china and then shipped back here as fences or whatever. they may be shipped several times in fact before they show back remanufactured into something else, and that takes probably more energy and oil,coal than throwing them away. USE your OWN BAGs and tell everyone why you do.

You eat meat, right? Most of you are still using a LOT of animal food and this is terribly destructive to GAIA and HER LIFE in all ways. It kills YOUR own body in fact. This is the sole cause of heart disease and high cholesterol. The animal waste is terribly polluting and the people starve on this planet because well more than 50% of food grown, is to feed livestock.

And above that, even more water is consumed than by almost any other use of fresh water on this planet. Demonstrate veganism.

I could go on and on, but I won't. You should get the idea. You support and love GAIA by your YES and NO choices and your ability to NOT let others push you around and into support of the beast. Do you openly teach why these wars are wrong? What do YOU demonstrate to this GAIA and her life forms, by your own live lived? Now, go make a list, discuss it with your immediate folks you have to live with and make changes and do not back down on them. Say the right YES's and the right NO's, The ability to do such is called WISDOM.

But by all means, on this false solstice tomorrow, remember GAIA and give her a hug.

Chanting that stuff in the below piece has NO meaning, unless you LIVE IT. How many artificial and false prayers are said on this planet every day? Without action? Once on TV I saw a group of people asking God and Jesus to come and eliminate some local sex houses and lewd bars. God isn't going to strike them down with a thunder bolt. These false Christians needed to perhaps focused their minds daily on the area and hope the ones misbehaving would pick up on the higher vibrations and this is good, BUT they also needed to be hounding their falsely elected and appointed officials. Steadily as in warm bath and not one big visit or letter writing campaign that would be ignored. So it goes.

Happy Father's day to all you genuinely loving and caring Fathers out there, and may you ever bathe your children in a constant warm bath. For that one concept LEARNED and demostrated by all Father's (And Mother's and Grandparents) with the right yes and no's, shall in effect raise this planet way up.

And to the beautiful one on AHS who supplied the idea a couple weeks ago, even though it's not the solution, it was worthy, for it helped us have a platform on which to teach. Blessed are you! All that starts well, ENDS well.

Now for those of you who will participate, and I recommend you do so, if you can't do it at "high noon" for you, then do it when you can or remember, but also MAKE IT PERSONAL AND HEARTFELT to GAIA. Canned prayer is NEVER the answer. Put your true love into this, whether or not you borrow on the words suggested. For it is after all, true love, that does make the world go round. AND, since the celestials have their own schedules, also ask your personal guides and angels and any others you know "above " to participate with you at the time you take part in this. This makes this a very warm bath over 24 hours rather than a hot shot.

[추후번역본 올림]