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+ 화성[Mars] 에 미군기지가 있었나보네요 ?

화성[Mars] 에 미군기지가 있었나보네요 ?

아주 특이한 폭로기사가 나옵니다. 화성에 미군기지가 있다는 소식은 간간이 전해진 것인데요, 유명한 아이젠하워 전 대통령의 증손녀가 그곳에서 1년이상 일하다가 돌아왔다고 양심고백을 한 것입니다. 가끔 화성의 여인의 사진이 오르곤 하던데요, 관련자의 폭로는 처음입니다.

Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colony project

February 10, 3:48 PMSeattle Exopolitics ExaminerAlfred Lambremont Webre

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike's great-granddaughter

In a public statement, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project.

Ms. Eisenhower’s account of her targeting by time travel surveillance and attempted manipulation by trained intelligence agents attached to a Mars colony project was revealed in an ExopoliticsRadio.org interview, and in an extensive written statement at Ms. Eisenhower’s website.

Ki’ Lia, a Stanford-educated artist, futurist and colleague of Ms. Eisenhower, has provided a corroborating first hand witness account of her and Ms. Eisenhower’s attempted recruitment into a secret human survival colony on Mars, available at Ki’ Lia’s website.

The alleged purpose of the secret Mars colony was to provide a survival civilization for the Earthling human race in the event of planned (such as HAARP or bio-weapon induced) or natural cataclysm (such as by solar flares) which would depopulate the Earth. Both Ms. Eisenhower and Ki’ Lia identify Dr. Harold E. (Hal) Puthoff, a former researcher at Stanford Research Institute, as a behind the scenes coordinator of the secret Mars colony project.

In revealing these secret Mars colony plans, Ms. Eisenhower and Ki’ Lia have emerged to join a growing cadre of independent whistleblowers disclosing secret technologies and extraterrestrial-related covert operations of U.S. military-intelligence agencies and corporate entities.

Ms. Eisenhower’s and Ki’ Lia’s revelations corroborate independent whistleblower revelations by Andrew D. Basiago of U.S. government surveillance of political persons of interest using secret time travel technology. Their revelations are also consistent with independent whistleblower revelations by Mr. Basiago, revealing that he has twice in 1981 teleported from a CIA facility in El Segundo, CA to secret U.S. bases on Mars, one of which teleportations was in the company of CIA agent Courtney Hunt.

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