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+ UFO / 하늘에서 이상한 소리가 들린다!. UFO는 계속 나타나고...



하늘에서 이상한 소리가 들린다! UFO는 계속 나타나고..





Strange noise in sky - HAARP? (Nov. 5th, 2012)










HAARP? - Oct 17 - Strange, Loud Noises in the Sky (San Diego)








Loud Booms In New Jersey Again October 21 2012










Best UFO Sighting HUGE Cigar Shaped UFO Incredibly Clear Footage! Arizona










UFO Sightings UFO Create Strange Numbers In The Skies? What Do they Mean?










UFO Sighting 2012 UFO caught on tape Over Cincinati, Ohio More UFOs This Week