세계비밀 그림자정부[NWO]가 해체되기 시작하다
신 세계 질서 - 뉴 월드 오더
NWO Dismantling Here Begins Tonight!
NWO Dismantling Here Begins Tonight!
21st February, 2012
John Kettler
NWO (New World Order)
installations of several sorts will be hit–hard–tonight
according to authoritative ET/ED (extraterrestrial/extradimensional) sources. Targets include: institutions repressing/enslaving/planning to kill the People, symbols ofNWO and occult power, NWO FEMA detention/extermination camps and so on. The chemtrail system, from agents to delivery systems, will be be the object of particular attention. The ETs/EDs warn that any attempt to artificially trigger the New Madrid Fault system will first be blocked, then mercilessly
punished, to include destruction of all equipment and personnel involved. As is their custom, special measures will be taken to protect innocent humans.
NWO Has Run Out Of Time!
Despite frantic, unceasing attempts to institute and implement the NWO agenda of control, domination, enslavement and genocide, the NWO has run out of time, for the cavalry has arrived! The Liberation Forces of benevolent ETs/EDs are now ready to give the NWO not only a taste of its own medicine, but the whole bottle! Devastation will rain down from above on the NWO, and as was warned before, there will be "Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide." This explicitly includes hardened deep underground hidey holes, which have already proven death traps to multitudes of negative ETs/EDs.
NWO Throw In The Towel–While You Still Have One!
The NWO needs to understand the Liberation Forces can apply combat power in ways unimaginable
, ranging from electric shocks and annoying voices to planet shattering blows, plus everything in between. Be it unexpected public nakedness of NWO personnel, disappearance of highly protected, embarrassing NWO documents, abduction of NWO personnel and equipment, nothing and no one are safe, save the innocent. Your NWO mind control and sex slave centers, your NWO pedophilia rings, human trafficking, gunrunning and narcotrafficking, your
NWOschools for assassins and many more such things are alldestined for exposure and destruction. There is nothing you have that they cannot take, and if you don't believe it, ask Pakistan, Israel, Venezuela, the U.S. Air Force, Iran, and the people at a bunch of black project facilities!
'지구촌 얘기들 !' 카테고리의 다른 글
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