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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 8/29/2019 - 8/30/2019 ] - 놀라운 변화. 에너지의 바뀜, 부상하면서...




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

8/29/2019 - 8/30/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley





By The CREATOR WRITINGS 8/29/2019 - 8/30/2019 ]


놀라운 변화

Amazing Change

By Creator


만약 네가 메모를 받지 못했다면, 우주는  현재의 변화 동안 가능한  평화롭게 남아있는 것의 최고의 중요성을 반복하고 싶어  것이다. 지금 속에서 들어오는 에너지는 너희 지구-계가 느꼈던  중에 가장 강하고, 가장 많은 변화를 유발할  있는 것이 되기 쉽다. 이상하고, 거칠며, 경이로운 것이 도달했고, 그것은 네가 꼼짝도 않고, 놀라움 속에서 눈을 깜박이고 서있게 내버려둘  있다. (미소 지으며)

폭풍의 눈처럼, 가능한  평화로이 있는 것이 너에게 최선이다. 너의 깃털들을 휘날리게  많은 것이 있을 테지만, 네가 우주의 흔들리지 않는 지원을 가지고 있음을 아는 것이 - 만약 네가 그것을 허용한다면 – 너의 닻이   있다. 지금 네가 체험하고 있는 것이 장대한 계획에서 앞으로 움직이는 것의 단지  다른 걸음임을 알고 있어라. - 창조자

If you have not received the memo; The Universe would like to reiterate the supreme importance of remaining as peaceful as possible during this current shift. The energy coming in now is most likely the strongest, most change-inducing your Earth plane has ever felt. The weird, wild and wondrous has arrived and it may leave you standing stock-still and blinking in amazement. (Smiling)

Like the eye of a storm, it is best for you to be as peaceful as possible. There will be a lot to ruffle your feathers but, knowing you have The Universe’s unwavering support can be your anchor if you allow it. Know what you are experiencing now is just another step in moving forward in the grand plan. ~ Creator





Emerging ...

By Creator


너희는 이날을  다른 평화로운 날로 만들라고 요청받고 있다. 자기-돌봄과 받을 자격이 있는 많은 조용한 시간을 위한 풍부한 공간을 허용해라. 현재의 에너지의 바뀜이 너희 몸들에게 너무나 무리가   있기 때문에, 너의 /영혼으로 귀를 기울이고, 그것이 너에게 말하는 것을 듣는 것이 필수적이다. 다른 이들의 행동들과 태도들을 가게 내버려두어라, 그것은 그들의 여정이고, 확실히 개인적이 아니다. 너처럼 그들도  변화를 처리하고 있는데, 그들 자신에게 가장 편한 방식들로 말이다. 너의 귀와 어깨를 지금  깨어남을 시작하는 자들에게 기대어라, 그리고 우주가 너희 모두를 지원하고 있음을 그들이 알게 해라. 너는 이것을 전에 했고, 그것을 통해 영광스러운 양식으로 움직였으며, 그것을 다시   있는데 ...  어느 때보다  강해져서, 다른 쪽에서 부상하면서 말이다. - 창조자

You are being asked to make this another peaceful day. Allow ample room for self-care and much deserved quiet time. The current shift may be overtaxing your systems so, it is imperative to listen to your body/soul and what it is telling you. Release others’ actions and attitudes, it is their journey and certainly not personal. Like you, they are processing this shift in ways that are most comfortable for themselves. Lend your ear and shoulder to those beginning their awakening now and let them know The Universe is supporting you all. You have done this before, have moved through it in a glorious fashion and can do it again…emerging on the other side stronger than ever before. ~ Creator



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