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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 8/27/2019 - 8/28/2019 ] - 부디 기억해라 . 더욱 꾸준한 속도로




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

8/27/2019 - 8/28/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley




By The CREATOR WRITINGS 8/27/2019 - 8/28/2019 ]




부디 기억해라

Please Remember ...

By Creator


 변화 동안, 부디 기억해라, 자신의 깨어남을 체험하고 있는 자들이 그들이 무엇을 거쳐 가고 있는지를 이해하지 못할  있음을. 그들의 전체 존재/삶이 뒤집히고 있음을, 그리고 ...

그들이 너의 친절로 나쁘게 반응할  있음을.

그들이 너의 연민을 이해하지 못할  있음을.

그들이 조건 없는 사랑을 받아들이는 방법을 모를  있음을 ...

왜냐하면 그들이 이런 일들을 전에 결코 체험하지 못했기 때문이다.

이것은 너의 대인관계의 기술들을 연마하고, 기대감 없이 주며, 일들을 개인적으로 받아들이지 않는 법을 배울 너의 기회이다. 만약 누군가가 친숙한 방식 대신에 ‘너에게 덤벼든다면,’ 그들에게 조금  사랑을 보내고, 그들이 시간과 연습 후에 개선될 것임을 알아라. 너는 너의 역할을 다했고, 그것이 네가   있는 모든 것이다. - 창조자

During this shift, please remember; those who are experiencing their awakening may not understand what they are going through. Their entire existence is being turned upside down and…

They may react badly to your kindness.

They may not understand your compassion.

They may not know how to accept Unconditional Love…

because they have never experienced these things before!

This is your chance to hone your interpersonal relationships skills, give without expectation and learn not to take things personally. If someone ‘comes at you’ instead of responding in a familiar way, send them a little extra love and know they will improve with time and practice. You have done your part and that is all you can do. ~ Creator



더욱 꾸준한 속도로

A Steadier Pace

By Creator


친애하는 이여, 너는 다시금  다른 오르막길을 시작했다. 부디 이것으로 놀라지 마라, 그것이 지구를 평화로운 상태로 움직이는데  다른 중요한 걸음이기 때문이다. 마치 앞뒤로 상당히 거친 흔들림이 있는 듯이 보일  있지만,  리듬이 더욱 꾸준하고, 더욱 균형 잡힌 속도로 안정되고 있다. 자기-돌봄을 계속 실천하고, 너의 지식을 기꺼이, 이해할 준비가  다른 이들과 나누는 것이 중요하다. 너는 뛰어난 일을 해오고 있으며,  좋은 일을 계속해라! - 창조자

You have, again, started another uphill climb, dear one. Please do not be dismayed by this because it is another important step in moving the Earth to a peaceful state. It may seem as if there is quite a bit of wild swinging back and forth but, the rhythm is settling down to a steadier, more balanced pace. It is important to continue practicing self-care and sharing your knowledge with others who are willing and ready to understand. You have been doing an outstanding job, keep up the good work! ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/13185