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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 8/31/2019 - 9/1/2019 ] - 아름다움. 파급효과들. 언제든, 기억해라...




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

8/31/2019 - 9/1/2019 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley




By The CREATOR WRITINGS 8/31/2019 - 9/1/2019 ]




By Creator


성장 속에 아름다움이 있는데, 비록  성장이 두드려 맞고, 질질 끌며, 도전적이라 해도 말이다. 변화 속에 기쁨이 있는데, 비록  변화가 일시적으로 고통스럽다 해도 말이다. 배움 속에 평화가 있는데, 비록  배움이  자신의 생각들과 느낌들의 지뢰밭을 통해 걷는 것을 의미한다 해도 말이다. 우주는  모든 것을 통해, 너의 아름다움이 모든 것보다 더욱 빛나기를 원한다! 그리고 네가 다른 쪽에 도착했을 , 삶이 다시 시작되는데,  이전의 어느 때보다  낫게 말이다. - 창조자

There is beauty in growth, even if that growth is knock-down, drag-out challenging. There is joy in change, even if that change is momentarily painful. There is peace in learning, even if that learning means stepping through a minefield of your own thoughts and feelings. The Universe wants you to know that, through it all, your beauty outshines everything! And when you have reached the other side, life begins again, better than it ever was. ~ Creator






By Creator


각각의 생각, 느낌, 감정, 그리고 행동은 우주로 너희가 살고 있는 바로  존재/삶을 바꾸는 파급효과를 보낸다. 좋은 것이든, 나쁜 것이든, 무관심한 것이든, 우주는 같은 종류로 대답하며, 네가 보내기를 선택한 무엇이든 돌려보낸다. 네가 무력하게 느끼는 때에는 언제든, 기억해라... - 창조자

Each thought, feeling, emotion and action sends a ripple into The Universe that changes the very existence you are living. Good, bad or indifferent; The Universe responds in kind and gives back whatever you choose to send. The next time you are feeling powerless, remember… ~ Creator

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