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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 1/22 ~ 1/23/2020 ] - 하나의 깨달음 . 너의 선택 - 에너지적 전환들




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

1/22 ~ 1/23/2020 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 1/22 ~ 1/23/2020 ]


하나의 깨달음

A Realization

By Creator


다른 이들은 선입관들을 나르고, 그들이 같은 행위로 종속되었기 때문에 너를 판단하거나 해치는 경향이 있을  있다. 어떤 시간을 가지고,  모든 것의 ‘충격 효과 극복하면서, 그것을  실제 모습으로 보아라,  자신의 고통을 구제하려고 시도하는 누군가로. 이것은 그들을 ... 비록 무엇이 있다 해도 ... 조금이라도  사랑스럽게 만들지 않으며, 그들은 어느 때보다  많이 너의 사랑을 필요로 한다. - 창조자

Others may be inclined to carry preconceived notions, judge or hurt you because they have been subjected to the same behavior. Take some time, get over the ‘shock value’ of it all and see it for what is really is; someone attempting to relieve their own pain. This does not make them any less lovable….if anything, they need your love more than ever. ~ Creator



너의 선택

Your Choice

By Creator


최근의 에너지적 전환들은 롤러코스터의  단계와 같이 느껴질  있다. 너희는 그것이 오는 것을 알고, 너희는 그것을   있지만, 너의 전체 몸이 여전히 반응한다. 그것은 인간적 존재/삶의 일부이다. (미소 지으며) 네가 어떻게 뒤틀면서 도는가를 수립하든, 그것은 전적으로 너에게 달려 있다. 너의 자유 의지는 직접적인 길의 선택을, 아니면 완벽한 희생자/피해자 시나리오를 계속 제조하기 위한 무질서의 창조를 허용한다. 너의 여정에서 네가 어디에 있든 상관없이, 우주는 있는 그대로의 너를 받아들이고, 결코  조건 없는 사랑에서 흔들리지 않는데 ... 네가 여행하기를 선택하는 어떤 방향에서든 지원하면서 말이다. 네가 기억할 유일한 일은 네가 어느 때든 너의 진로를 바꿀  있다는 점이다. - 창조자

The recent energetic shifts may feel like the first drop on a roller coaster. You know it is coming, you can see it but, your whole body still reacts. It is part of the human experience. (Smiling) Whatever twists and turns you establish are completely up to you. Your free will allows the choice of a direct path or the creation of chaos for the continued manufacture of the perfect victim scenario. Regardless of where you are on your journey The Universe accepts you as you are, never wavering in its Unconditional Love…supporting whatever direction in which you choose to travel. The only thing you need to remember is that you may change your course at any time. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/14027 재림/2222 ~ 23