미국의 비상상황을 경고 - 뭔가 큰 사태를 대비하세요
뭔가 큰 사태를 대비하세요
Prepare for something big
짐스톤 By Jim Stone
Sep 28, 2013 - 5:12:58 PM
나는 이 고난의 문제에 혼자 걱정하는 것이 아닙니다. 뭔가 큰 사태를 대비하세요.
나는 더이상은 말 못한다, 허나 내가 허용되는한 말할 것인데, 미국에서 큰 사태가 벌어질 것에 대비하세요.
당신의 돈을 비상용품 셋트를 사는데 10배나 큰 돈을 쓰는 걸로 낭비하지 마세요. 먹고 사용할 통상적인 물품을 사세요, 왜냐하면 그것의 품질이 좋은 것이니까요. 그러니 그런 물품을 보관하여 두세요. 만일 아무 일도 발생하지 않는다면 그저 보관하지 말고 사용하세요.
되도록 설탕, 쌀, 오트밀 등등을 되도록 큰 부피 용량으로 사세요. 또 치즈나 참치캔, 고기 캔, 스파게티 칠리 시리얼 등등도 사세요. 그러나 우유 가루 같은 것이나 카놀라 유는 사지 마세요. 그 이유는 이전에 말한 대로 좋지않아서 그렇습니다. 다른 걸 구매하고 버터 대신 식용유로 안전한 걸 사세요.
혹여 아무 일도 일어나지 않을 수있지만 이런 경고는 예측을 하자는 것이아닙니다. 이것은 미국의정황이 그만큼 좋지않고 불안한 방향으로 가는 것이기에 대비하자는 이야기 입니다. 이점을 유념하세요.
I am not alone in my troubles. Prepare for something big.
I can't say anything more, but will when I get permission. PREPARE FOR SOMETHING BIG IN THE U.S.
Don't waste your money on 10X over priced emergency kits, buy regular stuff you eat and use anyway because the quality is superior and it stores just as well and in the end, if nothing happens, you won't be sitting on 50 cases of emergency essentials. Get big bags of sugar, rice, oats, etc, whatever you use anyway. If nothing happens, you will have gobs and gobs of GOOD food for cheap. Don't waste time on whole wheat unless you want to plant it, just get flour. BUY NORMAL STUFF - spaghetti o's chili, mac and cheese, canned meats and tuna - you know, STUFF YOU WON'T ADMIT YOU LIKE. Even cereal stores practically forever in dry climates. The only oddball stuff would be things like dried milk and don't forget to buy a lot of cooking oil to replace butter. I don't have to tell you to avoid Canola oil if you are aware enough to read this site.
If nothing happens, you won't be the idiot sitting there with 50 boxes of crap.
And as a side note - popcorn is shipped alive and will grow when planted. It's a great way to get a huge bag of non GMO seed, even though it's not ideal corn for many things it's still good corn and if treated as seed corn it's practically FREE. Plus it stores well and is easy to prepare if you use it as popcorn after harvest. It's not junk food, it's just corn.
convergence of logic
Keep in mind this is a prediction, not stated fact, and predictions are a dime a dozen. I never state predictions with much weight, only as something to watch out for. Some people were confused by this.
I can't get fancy with this because I do not have time, but a convergence of logic, putting together messages from various people I have received over the last year point to this:
They are going to blow the Hoover dam, blame it on American Al-ciada from Kenya, say it triggered a nationwide blackout which they are having a drill for soon, and then do a huge crack down on the people. If there is an upcoming event of dread, logic says this will be it.
상황 속보 An update on the situation
나는 그들이 즉시 컴터 와이파이 모뎀을 죽이기 때문에 즉시 기사 기고를 할수없을 것이며 또 스타벅스 와이파이나 다른 곳도 노트북컴터를 갖고 더이상 안전하게 쓸수없을 것이다. 이렇게 사태가 짫은 시간 안에 악화될 것이다.
후쿠시마 방사능 보고서를 요청한 사람들에게 그것들을 프린트하길 바란다. 나는 위에 두개의 기고문을 올렸다.
케냐 사태 사진을 자세히 보라, 그것은 지옥같은 것이 되어질 수가 없다. 만일 그들이 사람을 학살한 것이라면 모사드가 그 짓을 했을 텐데, 그들은 사람들에게 시늉을 하라고 소리치면서 카메라 앞을 뛰어다녔다. 아마도 그들은 거기서 도망쳤을 것이다.
An update on the situation
I am not able to do articles right now because they kill the cell modems immediately and I can no longer safely use Starbucks or other locations with the laptop. I am sporadically using public internet cafe's with lousy computers and incompatible Mexican keyboards configured randomly that take forever to figure out because they all came out of different garbage piles, so things are really inefficient in the short time I do have. At least this computer has a good screen, but the keyboard, UGH.
For those of you who have ordered Fukushima reports, they are all printed and I have two remaining above and beyond orders. I will send these out shortly.
Please look up Kenya Photographer hoax, seriously, NO WAY IN HELL could that have been done. If they did kill people in Kenya, the Mossad did it and ran around with a camera telling people how to pose. Perhaps they would get away with it there.
This situation I am now in is going to be expensive. Help is really important now. We may have to leave the country and seek out one that is unfriendly to the U.S. and zionist interests to get through this. Since my mails are censored, Farganne will help you get through. IMPORTANT: Despite Farganne receiving offers of help, none are making it to my own mail boxes. This means things are whacked. If you received a response to an offer of help, I did not get it and the response came from someone else. Furthermore, other previous offers suddenly fell dead. Intelligence agencies will do that when they are about to nail someone to deny them the ability to get what they need to flee or defend themselves. Please visit the facebook page if directly mailing me fails, and remember, all donation offers are on the log page, if your offer is not there, I did not receive it. I cannot give out my plans, but they will cost a fair amount.
This article was first published on jimstonefreelance.com.
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