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+ 전 CIA 요원 수잔 린다워 고백 / 911과 이라크전쟁


전 CIA요원 수잔린다워 고백 / 911과 이라크전쟁


CIA Asset Susan Lindauer.. Can Now Speaks 10 years after 2001-9-11


CIA 요원 이였던 그녀는 정신병자 취급을 받으며 교도소 생활을 5년 이상 하였고, 지금은 정치 탄압을 받는 처참한 신세가 되어버렸습니다. 2,000년 무렵인 후세인 대통령 시절에 대 이라크 교섭관으로 일할 때 이라크 정부가 전쟁을 막고 평화체제로 가려고 얼마나 많은 노력을 하였는지 베일에 가려진진실을 고백합니다.

당시 미국은 911사태를 전후하여 빈-라덴의 배후 테러국가로 이라크에 전쟁선포로 위협하였고 이 사실을 잘 아는 후세인 정부는 미국에 유화책을 제시했다고 합니다. 미국이 상업적으로 요구하는 것은 뭐든 수용할 것이고 석유 채굴권도 미국 기업과 협상을 할 것이며 특히 군사적 협력도 가능하다고 갖은 정책을 제시합니다.전쟁을 막기위한이라크 정부의 제안을 수잔 린다워가 보고하는 입장이었으며. 미국 정부는 이라크가 어떤 전쟁의 의도가 없다고 공개하는 것을 막으려고 그 교섭관인 수잔 린다워를 희생시킨 것입니다.





CIA Asset Susan Lindauer..

Can Now Speaks 10 years after 2001-9-11

By Susan Lindauer with comments by Ron
Nov 23, 2011 - 4:14:27 AM

This 1 hour 29' 11" video was uploaded by on Nov 11, 2011:


Ron: Susan Lindauer was an official CIA negotiator with Iraq before 911 and says she and her CIA superior knew that the CIA and other US authorities were expecting 911 to happen months before it occurred. She was ordered to threaten the Iraqis with war IF 911 happened and was charged under the Patriot Act for lobbying the White House in an effort to prevent the Iraq war.

She says that Iraq wanted the sanctions lifted because they had caused the deaths of about two million Iraqis including a million children aged 5 or under. Iraq also wanted peace at any price and was prepared to give the US whatever it wanted in order to have the sanctions lifted and to have peace with the US. Iraq offered to buy a million US cars a year for ten years, and offered the US oil and contracts in all areas of its economy but to no avail.

She was arrested under the Patriot Act and imprisoned for a year and was under indictment for five years because the US government wanted to silence her. The US government feared that she would tell what she knew about her negotiations with Iraq and the fact that it was known before hand that 911 was going to happen. The US authorities tried to have her declared incompetent, chemically lobotomised and imprisoned indefinitely. The US government used secret charges under the Patriot Act and used a number of spurious charges such as alleging she was an Iraqi agent because she lobbied against the war on Iraq.

The US authorities claimed she was a religious maniac but couldn't sustain the claim. She says she does believe in God and is spiritual but not unbalanced. Hearing her story and observing her spirit and demeanour I feel that she is a light worker who is free because she has work to do at this time. She appears to be very irrepressible and an excellent witness of truth. I recommend that people watch this video. Susan Lindauer says things that I have not heard before about the lead up to 911.

Incidentally Susan Lindauer mentions that the Patriot Act is modelled on the Soviet Bolshevik legislation used to control the Russian population and to murder tens of millions of Christian Russians while sending more millions to the Gulags. That's not really surprising given that since the late 1970s the Bolshevik Jews expelled from the Soviet Union were given refuge in the US; and according to Hatonn and Dr Peter Beter, they murdered the Rockefeller brothers and took over the US government and the Pentagon. Their main opposition in the US these days seems to be from the reformed Rockefeller Cartel which seeks an overtly fascist corporatist form of dictatorship of USans whereas the Bolsheviks want total control to be concentrated in the hands of a cabal dominating the US government and military directly.