왜 물질을 넘어서는 마음의 힘이 중요한가, 그 이유는?
Why the Power of Mind Over Matter is Important
당신은 마음이 정말로 힘이 있는지 생각해본 적이 있는가? 만일 어떤 사람이 엄청 놀라운 능력을 발휘했을 때 우리들 모두가 같은 잠재력을 갖고 있다는 사실을 생각해본 적이 있는가?
진정 물질을 넘어서는 마음의 놀라운 능력이 있는 것인데 가령, 인도에서 음식이나 물 없이 살고 있는 요기의 이야기나 미국 플로리다의 산호성을 만든 이야기가 그런 예가된다. 바로 리드스칼린인데 그는 이집트 피라미드에 사용된 것보다 더 크고 단단한 돌을 자르고 움직여서 그 성을 만들었다. 또 니나 쿨라지나는 염력을 증명한 일로 이름을 얻었다.
이런 경우는 물질세계의 성질을 초월한 어떤 것을 내포하는데 초감각 인지 능력 ESP 이라 불리며 하나의 초현실 사건으로 치부되곤 했다. 그러나 우리가 양자세계의 운동원리를 이해하게 되면서 그전에 불가능한 것으로 보이던 현상이 점차 폭넓게 수용되고 있다.
퀀텀물리학은 아원자 수준에서 모든 물질이 파동 형태로 존재함을 증명했다. 우리의 3차원현실에서 물질로 보이는 것은 우리가 관찰자로서 우리 감각을 통해 물질을 보기에 그렇게 나타난다는 것이다. 우리는 공간과 시간 속에서 파동 형태를 인식해서 물질이라고 구성해 보고 있기 때문이다.
매우 중요한 일로서 사념은 특히 집중되었을 때 측정 가능한 파동형태를 이룬다. 사념 파동은 물리현실에서 관측할 수 있는 물질에 영향을 끼침을 증명했다.
마사루 이모토는 물 안에 감춰진 메시지라는 저술에서 물의 결정체가 어떤 의도된 말에 의해 다른 형태의 결정 모양을 취한다는 것을 증명한 사실을 기술하고 있다. 가령, 표본 결정체가 듣길 내가 너를 사랑해, 네게 감사해, 반대로 나는 너를 미워해 라는 말앞에서 각각 정교하고 아름다운 형태를 취하다가 미워한다는 말 앞에서 결정형을 잃어버리고 지저분한 모습으로 변하는 것을 기록하고 있다.
영화 “우리가 그 소리를 어떻게 아는가? What the bleep do we know?”
는 생각과 말이 물에 대해 큰 힘을 가진다면 물이 우리에게 하는 일을 상상해보라고 권한다. 왜냐하면 우리 몸이 나이에 따라서 60내지 80%가 물로 형성되어 있기 때문이다.
만일 우리의 생각이 물리세계에 변화를 가져올 정도의 힘이 있는 것이라면 우리 생각을 제어하는 일이 무엇보다 중요한 일로 보인다. 유명한 시크릿 movie The Secret 에서 설명한 바처럼 생각이 현실에 투영되는 것이고 그것만으로 사람들은 부와 건강, 타인과의 관계를 긍정적 생각과 실현된다는 훈련을 통해 이뤄내는 것이다.
더 중요한 일은 물리학자들이 양자 수준에서 모든 물질 입자가 상호 얽힘 entanglement 이란 관계성으로 다른 입자와 어떤식으로든 연결되어져 있음을 발견했다. 입자 중에 함께 창조된 것에 대해 실험을 한 결과 이들은 동시에 주어지는 자극에 대해 아무리 멀리 떨어져있어도 관계없이 동시에 반응을 하는 특이한 모습을 증명하고 있다. 이를 이른바 국소성원리라 부른다. 빅뱅이론이란 것을 생각할 때 우리 우주의 모든 입자는 한 장소에서 하나의 존재로 있다가 폭발하면서 퍼져나간 것이기에 사실 영원히 상호 얽힘으로 연결되어있다.
이런 입자들 간의 측정 가능한 연결성은 심오한 의미를 갖는데 그것들은
첫째, 이것은 아원자 수준에서 우리가 다른 존재하는 모든 것이나 모든 사람들과 과학상에서 하나라는 것을 의미하는 것 같다.
둘째, 이 연결성과 하나됨은 개인에게 무한한 힘을 주는 것으로 보인다. 왜냐하면 그의 생각이 전체에게 어떤 변화를 각인시키기 때문이다.
셋째, 이는 긍국적인 초과학의 신비를 풀어주는 것이 될지도 모른다.
[ 원문 ]
Why the Power of Mind Over Matter is Important
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Human World Order
Activist Post
Have you ever wondered how powerful your mind really is? Have you ever considered that if one human can achieve the most amazing feats then we all possess the same potential?
There are indeed amazing feats of mind over matter like the Yogi in India who lives without food and water, the story of Coral Castle where one man cut and moved solid stones larger than those used in the pyramids, or the proven telekinetic powers of Nina Kulagina.
These cases, and others involving transcending the material world like cases of extrasensory perception (ESP), are typically viewed as paranormal events. However, these seemingly impossible phenomenon may become more widely accepted as we better understand the implications of quantum mechanics.
Quantum physics has proven that all matter at the subatomic level exists in wave form, and that matter only appears solid when we, as the observer, use our senses to decode and perceive the wave patterns in space and time. Significantly, thoughts, especially concentrated thoughts, also form measurable wave patterns. And thought waves have proven to affect observable matter in the physical world.
Droplet with "Thank You"
In his book called The Hidden Messages in Water <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->, Masaru Emoto explains his experiments on water crystals which proved that droplets of water form different shapes when frozen with words associated to each sample. For example, the sample droplets would have phrases like I love you, thank you, or I hate you written next to them. The frozen droplets would form glorious snowflake-like crystals with the words loveand thank you, but a nasty oil splotch-like design next to the word hate. As stated in the movie What the bleep do we know?, "If thoughts and words have that much power over water, imagine what they do to us," as we are formed of between 60%-80% water, based on our age.
If our thoughts have the power to manifest changes in the physical world, then controlling our thoughts would seem to be of utmost importance. As popularized in the book and movie The Secret <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->, thoughts will manifest into reality. Simply put, thoughts become things -- even negative thoughts. The examples laid out in The Secret are mostly about people attracting wealth, health, or relationships to themselves through positive thinking and visualization exercises.
Droplet with "You make me sick. I will kill you"
What's more, physicists have also discovered that at the quantum level all particles (matter) seem to somehow be connected to all other particles through what they call entanglement. Tests show that particles that were created together will react instantly to the same stimuli presented to one of them no matter how far apart they are in perceivable space. And assuming the Big Bang theory is correct, then all particles that created the known universe are forever entangled.
This detectable connection between all particles represents profound implications. First, this would seem to mean that on the subatomic level we are scientifically one with everything and everybody. And second, this connectivity and oneness would seem to provide unlimited power for the individual to imprint changes to the whole with his thoughts. Lastly, it may ultimately solve many paranormal mysteries.
Entanglement Dr. Quantum:
This connectivity would appear to help explain the mechanics behind extrasensory perception (ESP), which is now a statistically measurable phenomenon on average humans. So much so that a recent Cornell University study on ESP has been published in the prestigious Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Psychological Association.
If we are connected to all things past, present and future -- and all things are frequency ranges that cannot be destroyed -- then space and time does not exist as we think of it. So, in a sense, we are connected to the dinosaurs who still technically exist, only in a undetectable frequency range. In turn, all human souls, or intelligent consciousnesses if you prefer, consistently exist in a timeless, space-less frequency range. It is this concept that may help explain precognition, channeling, reincarnation, telepathy, etc. In other words, people who have these abilities and experiences may simply be tuning into a different frequency on their extrasensory dial.
As outrageous as it may be to believe, we all would seem to possess these great powers of the mind to transcend and effect the physical world. Minimally, each of us clearly plays a distinct role in creating, not only our personal reality, but also collective reality though our thoughts and beliefs. These thoughts, if conditioned to focus on negative or fearful feelings, will likely result in more manifestations of negativity in the world through more economic collapse, natural disasters, wars, suffering, and other events that feed off our fears.
Although most fears propagated by those with an agenda are an illusion, even seemingly legitimate fears that help us survive in the material world may also be fictitious. After all, if the energy of our being, by laws of nature, cannot be created or destroyed, death is nothing more than a transformation of our eternal frequency. Therefore, not even death should be feared.
The lesson is that if each of our minds has great power over what manifests in the world, it would seem to nullify the blame game of all problems in the world. Incidentally, each of us, by way of connection on the subatomic level and fear-bound complacency on the physical level, are partially responsible for all global atrocities. To place angry blame on a specific group who represents a given atrocity would only seem to feed the darkest manifestation of what this group promotes.
This idea was highlighted by Gandhi who stated that a movement is much more powerful when it promotes what it stands for, rather than fight against what it opposes. Hence, those who seek to make the world a better place would be far more effective by focusing their energy and thoughts on solutions to what they oppose. This is not to say we should not acknowledge our distaste for unsavory events like war, environmental disasters, economic injustice, and the like. However, we should not allow our anger to become hatred of the perpetrators themselves, but rather to help concentrate our focus on manifesting the world we wish to see around us.
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