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+ 빈 라덴이 가짜? / 미국이 은폐하고 싶은 그날의 911 현장


미국이 은폐하고 싶은 그날의 911 현장

여객기와 충돌한 건물은 과거에도 여러 차례 있었다.
그러나, 여객기의 충돌로 인해 무너진 건물은 단 한 건도 없었다.더구나, 특수 강철빔으로 지어진
거대한 건물이 마치 파공법으로 건물 해체할 때처럼 맥없이 무너져 내릴 수 있단 말인가?
폭약을 장치해 놓지 않고서 어떻게 그럴 수 있을까?
만약, 고의적으로 일으킨 살인극 이라면, 강건너 불구경하듯 구경만 하는 자세가과연 정상일까?


빈 라덴이 가짜라면 911 진실을 다시보라 !

New 911 Analysis Indicates use of Secret Technology to impact the WTC towers

By Richard D Hall

Aug 5, 2010 - 2:22:07 AM

New 911 Analysis Indicates use of Secret Technology to impact

the WTC towers

Ron:This new computer analysis video presentation by Richard D. Hall sheds light on what most likely caused the alleged plane impacts on the World Trade Centre towers. In my opinion this 22 minute film demonstrates that no planes impacted the WTC towers but that a circular or global object some 39 feet wide and 17 feet high was the culprit, at least in relation to the second tower impact. As the object was travelling at about 220 miles an hour it was too slow to be a missile and was most liekly an electro-gravitic Black Ops vehicle, presumably packed with explosives.

Posted By: CGI_admin
Date: Wednesday, 4-Aug-2010 12:25:31

New 9/11 computer analysis provided by Richard D. Hall sheds light on what most likely caused the damage to the World Trade Centre towers. This 22 minute film provides answers to many questions.


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