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+ '지구촌 화산지역들이 떼지진으로 흔들리고 있다' 는 주요기사




'지구촌 화산지역들이 떼지진으로 흔들리고 있다' 는 기사



익스팅션 프로토콜 The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond 주요기사

http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/  피터김의 체험나누기 블로그 기사인용




니카라과 텔리카 화산은 떼지진으로 흔들리다

Nicarauga’s Telica volcano shaken by new earthquake swarm

June 28, 2013 NICARAUGA -


새로운 떼지진이 보고되다.


A new earthquake swarm started this morning, visible on INETER’s seismograms. Telica has six cones, the tallest of which is 1061 meters high. There is a double crater at the top, 700 meters wide and 120 meters deep. Telica has erupted frequently since the Spanish Era. The most recent eruption was in 2011. In terms of explosive force, Telica’s largest eruption has been rated with a VEI of 4. That eruption occurred in 1529. One of Nicaragua’s most active volcanoes, Telica has erupted frequently, and ash from those frequent eruptions keeps the slopes of its cone bare of vegetation. –
Volcano Discovery,

- Event Acceleration, Volcano unrest, Volcano Watch | Leave a comment




에너지 변이인가? . 멕시코 포포카테페틀 화산은 점점더 격해지고,

필리핀 화산은 15차례 지진이 오다

Energy shift? Popocatépetl volcano growing more violent, Philippine volcano shaken by 15 earthquakes


최대보름달, 태양홍염분출, 하지의 세가지 천문 에너지가 겹쳐지니 강력한 에너지 변이가 행성 내부에 작용한다? 행성 전역의 화산들이 갑자기 더 동요한다. A trio of forces at play: A Supermoon, a geomagnetic storm from a CME, and the advent of the summer solstice- did these forces create a energy shift in planetary processes within Earth’s interior? Volcanoes across the planet have suddenly become more agitated.
June 28, 2013MEXICO - Seismic activity has picked up, suggesting that the volcano could be headed for more vigorous activity soon.



알라스카, 캄차카 시벨륙 화산도 영문없이 활동이 최고조로 급해지다 Volcanic eruptions rage in Alaska: Geologist, “for some reason we can’t explain, activity picked up”


June 28, 2013
ALASKA - Alaska volcano eruptions are entering a more powerful phase.




Great barriers do exist in space and Voyager may have reached one: now what?



Solar watch: Earth hit by back to back geomagnetic storms



원문출처: http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/

인용출처; http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7865717