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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 1/26 ~ 1/27/2020 ] - 하나의 횃불 . 너의 길에 초점을 맞춰라




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

1/26 ~ 1/27/2020 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 1/26 ~ 1/27/2020 ]


하나의 횃불

A Beacon

By Creator


다른 사람의 개인적이나 영적이나, 육체적 성장에 책임이 있는 것은 네가 아니다. 너는 다른 이들이 도움을 위해 바라볼  있는 – 그들이 준비될  - 하나의 가이드와 횃불로서 여기 배치되었다. 다른 이의 성장에 대한 공을 차지하는 것은 에고이다. 대신, 너의 지구-계의 존재/ 속에서  자신에 대한 교사와 학생으로서의 너의 역할을 즐겁게 포용해라. - 창조자

It is not you that is responsible for another’s personal, spiritual or physical growth. You have been placed here as a guide and beacon to which others, if they are ready, can look to for assistance. Taking credit for another’s growth is ego. Instead, joyously embrace your role as teacher and student to yourself in your Earth-plane existence. ~ Creator




너의 길에 초점을 맞춰라

Focus On Your Path

By Creator


다른 이들이 그들의 길을 걷는 것을 보는 것이 아무리 도전적일  있다 해도, 그것이 너의 길이 아님을 기억하고 이해하는 것이 중요하다. 움츠릴 가치가 있는 순간들이 일어날 것이고, 너는  자신에게 “ 이거, 그게 내가 아니어서 댜행이야!”라고 말할  있지만, 만약 요청받는다면, 지원을 주기 위한 의식적 앎과 감정이입을 갖는 것은 항상 긍정적일 것이다. 그러한 순간들에서 집중을 방해하는 것으로 달래질 필요성을 버려라. 가끔  자신으로부터 떨어져서 보고 지적하는 것이  쉬울  있다. 너의 초점은 항상 너의 길에, 그리고 네가 어떻게 세상과 관계하는가로 주어져야만 한다. 이것이  성장이 일어나는 때이다. - 창조자

As challenging as it can be to watch others walk their owns paths, it is important to remember and understand it is not yours. Cringe-worthy moments will happen and you may say to yourself, “Oh boy, I’m glad that’s not me!” but, having a conscious awareness and the empathy to offer support if asked will always be a positive. Release the need to be lulled into distraction by those moments. Sometimes, it can be easier to look and point away from rather than at yourself. Your focus should always be on your path and how you relate to the world. This is when great growth occurs. ~ Creator

번역출처: AH.Korea http://www.abundanthopekorea.net/board1_1/14059 재림/2226 ~ 27