인류를 차별하고 탄압하는 유태 종교사상
인류를 차별하는 유대 극단주의와 그를 옹호하는 언론 은폐 작업
: 샤바드 루바비치 Chabad Lubavitch
왜, 유태인들이 브나이브리쓰나 샤바드 루바비치, ADL 국제유태연맹 같은 다양한 유태 조직을 전 세계에 조직화하고 본부를 운영하고 있는가? 그것은 한 민족으로서 당연하다고? 노, 결코 아니다. 인류는 잠에 빠져있다. 유태인들이 비 유태인을 어딘가로 데려가는 시간에나 깨어날 것이다.
유태인이 통제하는 세계 주요 언론은 이슬람 극단주의자에 대해 광적으로 매일 문제 삼고 고발하고 있다. 그 이유가 무엇이라고 생각하는가? 반면에 백인 극단주의, 기독교 극단주의, 소위 정치적 반유태주의 행동들은 어째서 유태 테러리즘에 관해서 문제를 제기하지 못하는가? 유태 극단주의는 모든 금융을 쥐고 있고 정부기관, 언론, 과학계, 대학기관, 연예, 동성애, 포르노 산업 같은 것을 모두 장악하고 있지 않는가? 단지 데이빗 듀크 박사만이 이런 유태인 지배행태에 대해 문제가 있다고 제기할 뿐이다.
샤바드 루바비치 조직의 랍비인 프리드먼의 이야기를 들어보자. 기가막힌다.
“도덕적 전쟁을 싸워나가는 유일한 길은 유태인 방식이다: 그것은 그들의 성스런 기지를 파괴해야할 것이다. 남자고 여성이고 아이들, 가축까지 살해하는 것이다.
이런 말을 하는 프리드먼 랍비는 그 조직의 시시한 존재가 아니다. 이런 발언은 샤바드 운동의 표준적 관점이다. 로젠버그 (유태인으로서 내부고발을 한 이유로 살해됨)는 이 증언을 하며 다만 유태인들이 그런 견해를 외부에 공공연히 말하지는 않는다고 한다.
샤바드 조직 창설자는 다음과 같이 말한다.
“영혼에는 두개의 대조적인 유형이 있는데, 하나는 비유태인 영혼으로서 이는 세개의 사탄 영역에서 유래한 것이다. 반면에 유태인 영혼은 성스러움에서 기초한 것이다. 그리고 유태인은 어떤 목적을 이루는 수단으로 창조된 것이 아니라 그 자신이 바로 목적이다. 왜냐하면 모든 신성한 표출의 실체는 오직 유태인에게 봉사하기 위해 창조되기 때문이다. (기가 막힙니다. 그 이하는 오로지 전세계가 유태인의 정치목적에 부합하여 생존하느냐 아님 그에 반하기에 모두 제거될 것이냐는 선택만이 있다는 망발로 이어집니다.)
Jewish Extremism and Its Media Cover Up
: Chabad Lubavitch
Ron; Ever wonder WHY the Jews staff and operate Bn'ai Brith, Chabad Lubavitch, ADL and various other world Jewry organisations and centres in virtually EVERY country in the world? No? Ya reckon it's normal for a pseudo tribe of only 13 million Jews to run subversive, fifth column organisations everywhere? Fine. Go back to sleep. They'll wake you when they come to take you away.
The Jew controlled global mass media waxes hysterical every day about Muslim extremism, White Extremism, Christian extremism and so-called politically incorrect and/or anti-Semitic gentile words and actions, BUT there's never a word about Jewish terrorism or the dangers of Jewish extremists who have ubiquitous power in banking, finance, government, media, science, academia, entertainment and the homosexual and pornographic industries. For those interested though, Dr David Duke states why he thinks it matters that Jews do this. See:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM_Vvc_NJME (Video 23' 01')
Dr David Duke quotes prominent Chabad rabbi, Manis Friedman (in The Jewish Daily FORWARD):
"Like the best Chabad Lubavitch rabbis, Manis Friedman has won the hearts of many unaffiliated Jews with his charismatic talks about love and God; it was Friedman who helped Bob Dylan into a relationship with Chabad."
But Friedman, who today travels the country as a Chabad speaker, showed a less warm and cuddly side when he was asked how he thinks Jews should treat their Arab neighbours. Quote:
'The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way:
Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)"
"Friedman is not a fringe rabbi within the Chabad-Lubavitch movement."
"What he's saying is the standard normal vew of a Chabadnik, " Rosenberg said. "Thsy just don't say it in public."
The founder of Chabad Lubavitch is quoted as saying:
"Two contrary types of soul exist,
a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres,
while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."
"A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose;
he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine]emanations was created only to serve the Jews."
An article in the Jewish Chronicle entitled: "Some Carefully and Carelessly Chosen words" points out that the most common Jewish word for a Gentile woman is Shiksa - the term is commonly used as for instance on 'Seinfeld". Shiksa comes from the root word sheigetz meaning "abomination" or "whore".
A little Gentile girl, is called "Shikselbe" meanng "little female abomination" or "little whore"
WHAT would be the reaction if gentiles called Jewish women "whores" and little Jewish girls 'little whores'?
'If one dares to object to Jewish extremism and to Jewish anti-Gentile hatred, he's the one called the hater -- while the real haters are portrayed as "victims'.
The Los angeles Jewish Times Boasts that 4 out of 5 of the largest media conglomerates are owned by Jews and the 5th is as much pro-Israel as the other 4. (In fact the fifth has Jewish-descended Robert Chernin as CEO.
Unlike the chimerical Moslem "extremists" allegedly living in caves in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen et al, which the US military bombs day and night, clandestine Jew "extremists' are all over the US, Europe and the rest of the world, secretly white anting the morals and very lives of ALL gentiles. Jews are even secretly destroying the existence of the hordes of gentile Jew enablers who have sold their souls to the Jews for money, sex and "success". Get a life people, and STOP craven support of this vicious racist group of self described "victims" in sheeps' clothing, who are truly humanity haters.
David Dukes' website is: http://www.davidduke.com
멘트 : http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7860846
이스라엘 외교문서를 폭로하지 못하는 세계 언론
MSNBC TV interviews Julian Assange
Gilad Atzmon: Wikileaks andIsrael
![Date Date](http://www.gilad.co.uk/universal/images/transparent.png)
![Author Author](http://www.gilad.co.uk/universal/images/transparent.png)
'WikiLeaks to publish Israel files on Second Lebanon War, Dubai assassination'
Julian Assange said today that thousands of documents related to Israel are due to be released over next six months.
Assange admitted also that so far only 2% of the Wikileaks released documents related to Israel were picked by the Western mainstream media, something to do with ‘sensitivities’ of the Jewish communities in France, Germany, Britain and the USA.
I guess that more than ever we need Wikileaks. More than ever we need to establish our own channels of communication and information. The proof of the betrayal of Western media is conclusive.
Assange said that he holds 3,700 more files related to Israel, and the main source of them is the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv.
Take your time Julian and keep safe.
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