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+ 지구재앙 / 러시아 산불 현장모습 사진 (38 photos)

러시아 산불 현장 모습사진

Russian wildfires

Last month, Russia endured the hottest July ever recorded since records began 130 years ago. The intense heat and drought affecting central Russia has been drying out trees and peat marshes, which have been catching fire recently, burning forests, fields and houses across a massive region. Some 500 new fires have been reported in the last 24 hours alone, and a mobilization of hundreds of thousands of emergency workers is underway to combat them. President Dmitry Medvedev has now declared a state of emergency in seven regions. To date, over 1,500 homes have been destroyed and 40 lives have been lost. as wildfires continue across over 300,000 acres. (38 photos total)

A soldier walks past birches, which are charred, damaged by fire on the outskirts of the Russian city of Voronezh on July 30, 2010. (REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin)

Local residents look at a smoky sky near a peat fire in a forest near the town of Shatura, some 130 km (81 miles) southeast of Moscow, Thursday, July 29, 2010. Peat swamps started burning in central Russia following an unprecedented heat wave. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev) #

A Russian man watches forest fires burn in Beloomut late on August 1, 2010. (ANDREY SMIRNOV/AFP/Getty Images) #

Remains of a burnt building sit amongst ashes outside the town of Vyksa, some 150 km (93 mi) southwest of the Volga city of Nizhny Novgorod on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

A woman reacts near a burning house outside the town of Vyksa, Russia on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

Firefighters work to extinguish a fire near a burning building outside the town of Vyksa, Russia on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

A woman raises her hands to her face, walking away from a scene filled with heavy smoke and fire near Vyksa, Russia on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

Men walk in front of a burning building near Vyksa, Russia on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

A man sits on the ground while a house burns behind him near Vyksa, Russia on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

A local resident runs past part of a peat fire in a forest near the town of Lubertsi, southeast of Moscow in Shatura on July 29, 2010. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev) #

In this July 28, 2010 satellite image released by NASA, smoke from fires near Moscow is visible over central Russia. The small red boxes indicate fires, the image covers 900 km (560 mi) from side to side. The city of Moscow is located near the left edge, in the lower third. (AP Photo/NASA) #

People walk along Moscow's Red Square with St. Basil's Cathedral and the mausoleum of Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin seen in the background through hazy smoke from forest and peat fires nearby, August 2, 2010. (REUTERS/Alexander Natruskin) #

A man herds goats past a line of military vehicles transporting soldiers to fight forest fires in Ryazanovka, Russia on August 1, 2010. (ARTYOM KOROTAYEV/AFP/Getty Images) #

Strong winds bend trees in the village of Beloomut a burnt landscape, some 130 kilometers from Moscow on July 31, 2010. (ANDREY SMIRNOV/AFP/Getty Images) #

A Russian man walks through the remains of his burnt out home in Voronezh on August 1, 2010. (Alexey SAZONOV/AFP/Getty Images) #

A girl wearing a mask over her mouth and nose looks out from her balcony under smoky skies above the village of Beloomut, Russia on July 31, 2010. (ANDREY SMIRNOV/AFP/Getty Images) #

A plume of smoke rises above a dry forest as it burns near a suburb of the town of Voronezh, Russia on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel) #

A Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations' Ilyushin-76 tanker plane drops some 42 tons of water onto a burning forest near a suburb of the town of Voronezh on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel) #

Flames travel along a forest floor as the parched grass and trees burn near a suburb of Voronezh on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel) #

Embers fly as a firefighter works to extinguish a peat fire in a forest near the village of Ryazanovka, Russia on July 29, 2010. (ARTYOM KOROTAYEV/AFP/Getty Images) #

Local residents form a bucket brigade to carry water to extinguish a peat fire in a forest near the town of Shatura, Russia on Thursday, July 29, 2010. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev) #

A Russian woman holding a baby cries near the remains of her burnt home in Voronezh on August 1, 2010. (Alexey SAZONOV/AFP/Getty Images) #

Ruins of houses which were destroyed by a forest fire on the outskirts of the town Voronezh on Saturday, July 31, 2010. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel) #

A charred car rests in front of a chimney - all that remains of a house that was burned to the ground, in the village of Mokhovoe on Friday, July 30, 2010. (AP Photo/Dmitry Chistoprudov) #

A man walks through a stand of charred trees at the edge of Voronezh, central Russia, on July 31, 2010. (Alexey SAZONOV/AFP/Getty Images) #

A firefighter works to extinguish forest fires on the outskirts of the Russian city of Voronezh, July 30, 2010. (REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin) #

A woman sits surrounded by the remains of her house in the village of Mokhovoye, some 130 kilometers from Moscow on July 31, 2010. (ARTYOM KOROTAYEV/AFP/Getty Images) #

Dry grass burns near the town of Voronezh, Russia on Saturday, July 31, 2010. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel) #

The carcass of a charred bird lies in the village of Mokhovoe destroyed by an earlier forest fire, seen on Friday, July 30, 2010. (AP Photo/Dmitry Chistoprudov) #

A local residents tries to find the remains of her belongings in the ruins of a burnt house at the edge of Voronezh, central Russia, on July 31, 2010. (Alexey SAZONOV/AFP/Getty Images) #

A charred car sits near destroyed buildings in the village of Mokhovoe Russia on Friday, July 30, 2010. (AP Photo/Dmitry Chistoprudov) #

Women cover their faces while standing in heavy smoke from fires outside the town of Vyksa, Russia on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

A woman passes by a church while heavy smoke from nearby fires darkens the sky near the town of Vyksa, Rusisa on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

A woman holds religious icons and a cross, as fires burn in the background, outside the town of Vyksa, Russia on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

A firefighter pours water over himself, near a burning house near Vyksa, some 150 km (93 miles) southwest of the Volga city of Nizhny Novgorod on July 29, 2010. (REUTERS/Mikhail Voskresensky) #

A woman walks past a cemetry in the village of Beloomut, air filled with smoke from nearby forest fires on July 31, 2010. (ANDREY SMIRNOV/AFP/Getty Images) #

A firefighter works to extinguish a forest fire burning near Voronezh on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel) #

Russian women remove jars of preserved food from the cellar of their burnt home 15km from Moscow in Ostafyevo on August 2, 2010. (BORIS YELENIN/AFP/Getty Images) #

러' 軍, 산불로 로켓포탄 안전지대 긴급 이송


연기 자욱한 모스크바 (AP=연합뉴스, 자료사진) 최근 러시아에서 폭염과 함께 산불이 잇따르는 가운데 4일 모스크바강 일대를 연기가 자욱하게 뒤덮고 있다. Pleasure ships cruise the Moskva River despite a thick blanket of smog covering Moscow, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2010. Relentless heat, thickening smoke, dubious officialdom _ it's a lot to have on one's mind, and a prominent Russian physician warns that worrying about it all could be dangerous.(AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel)

대형 폭발 사고 예방 위해...우크라이나도 산불 위기

(모스크바 AP.AFP.dpa=연합뉴스) 러시아 군이 급속히 번지고 있는 산불에 대비해 수도 모스크바 인근의 병영에 있던 로켓 포탄을 안전한 곳으로 이송했다고 군 당국이 5일 밝혔다.

알렉세이 쿠즈네초프 국방부 대변인(대령)은 "모스크바에서 서남쪽으로 70km 떨어진 나로-포민스크 인근의 병영이 급박한 위험에서 벗어났다"고 말했다.

나로-포민스크에서는 앞서 산불이 병영으로 접근해 가면서 위기가 고조됐었다.

쿠즈네초프 대령은 그러나 포탄이 어디로 옮겨졌는지 언제 운송 작전이 이루어졌는지 등에 대해서는 밝히지 않았다.

이 같은 조치는 2주째 러시아 중서부 지역을 강타하고 있는 산불이 탄약과 무기가 보관된 병영으로 옮겨 붙어 대형 폭발 사고로 이어지는 최악의 상황을 막기 위해 취해졌다.

앞서 크렘린은 산불에 대비, 군부대와 전략 시설에 대한 보안 조치를 강화하라고 지시한 바 있다.

러시아에서는 지난주 산불이 모스크바 인근의 해군 보급기지로 번져 주요 시설이 불타면서 200여 대의 전투기가 소실되는 등의 피해가 났다.

드미트리 메드베데프 대통령은 이와 관련 "화재에 제대로 대응하지 못했다"며 해군 고위 장교 여러 명을 해임했다.

러시아와 이웃한 우크라이나에서도 폭염과 가뭄에 따른 대형 산불이 발생해 동부 도시 드니프로페트로프스크 인근의 군사 기지 3km 이내에까지 번졌다고 현지 언론이 보도했다.

우크라이나 동부 지역에서는 벌써 1천 헥타르(ha)의 숲이 산불로 불탔다고 현지 재난 당국이 밝혔다.

세르게이 쇼이구 러시아 비상사태부 장관은 "1986년 우크라이나 체르노빌 원전 폭발 사고로 오염된 토양에 묻혀있던 방사능 물질이 화재로 대기 중으로 뿜어져 나올 위험이 있다"고 경고했다.

러시아 재난 당국에 따르면 5일 현재 러시아 서부 지역을 중심으로 600여 건의 산불이 진행 중에 있으며 사망자 수도 50명으로 늘어났다. 2천여 채의 집도 소실됐다.

섭씨 40도에 육박하는 폭염은 산불 확산을 부채질하고 있다. 러시아의 평균 여름 기온은 섭씨 23도 정도다.

앞을 못 볼 정도로 모스크바를 짙게 감쌌던 산불 연기는 5일 일단 걷혔지만 당분간 기온이 떨어질 가능성이 낮아 추가 산불에 따른 연기가 언제든 되돌아 올 수 있다고 당국은 경고했다.

모스크바와 주변 지역에만 1만 여명의 소방관이 동원돼 진화에 나서고 있지만 번지는 산불을 따라잡지 못하고 있다.

블라디미르 푸틴 총리는 겨울이 오기 전에 산불로 소실된 집을 모두 새로 지어주고 피해자들에게는 1인당 6600 달러(약 770만원)씩의 보상금을 지급하겠다고 약속했다.

평균 임금이 800 달러 수준에 머물고 있는 러시아에서 적지 않은 금액이다.

이에 따라 일부 주민들은 보상금을 받기위해 일부러 자신의 집에 불을 지르기도 한다고 현지 언론들은 전했다.

모스크바에서 동쪽으로 400km 떨어진 사로프에 위치한 비밀 핵 연구시설을 위협하던 산불은 대부분 진압된 것으로 알려졌다.

