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+ 창조자의 글 The Creator Writings [ 1/9 ~ 1/10/2020 ] - 포기하느냐, 아니면 항복하느냐? . 숙고해라...




창조자의 글 The Creator Writings

1/9/2020 ~ 1/10/2020 ]

창조자의 글

The Creator Writings

By The Creator - Jennifer Farley



By The CREATOR WRITINGS [ 1/9/2020 ~ 1/10/2020 ]


포기하느냐, 아니면 항복하느냐?

Give Up Or Surrender?


By Creator


우주는 포기하는 것과 항복하는  사이에 거대한 차이점이 있음을 너희에게 부드럽게 상기시키고 싶어할 것이다. 포기하는 것은 분노와 좌절감 속에서 걸어 나가는 것인데, 절망감의 느낌을 질질 끌면서 말이다. 항복하는 것은 싸움을 싸우는 것은 멈추고,  체험을 우주에게로 양도하는 것인데, 그것이 적절히 다룰 것을 느끼고 알면서 말이다. 항상 너와 함께 있는 너의 자유 의지의 능력은 최선이 무엇이든 그것을 선택할  기회를 너에게 준다. 유일하게 필요한 다른 일은 우주가  끊임없는 조건 없는 사랑의 흐름으로 너를 돕는 것을 허용하는 것이다. - 창조자

The Universe would like to gently remind you that there is a huge difference between giving up and surrendering. Giving up is walking away in anger and frustration while dragging feelings of hopelessness along with you. Surrendering is ceasing to fight a battle and releasing an experience to The Universe, feeling and knowing it will be handled accordingly. Your gift of free will, that is always with you, gives you the opportunity to choose whatever is best. The only other thing needed allowing The Universe to assist you with its unending flow of Unconditional Love. ~ Creator




By Creator


인간들은 의식적으로, 잠재의식적으로, 즐거운 상황이나 고통스러운 상황을 만드는  사이에서 선택할 자유 의지를 가진 우주의 유일한 창조물들이다. 인간의 몸은  모든 감각들의 쾌감을 위해 하드웨어로 내장되어 있지만, 너희의 일부는 여전히 고통을 체험하고 있다. 잠시 그것을 숙고해라... 그런 다음 너의 자유 의지가 알려지게 만들어라. 우주는 항상 그렇게 하게  것이다. - 창조자

Humans are the only creations of The Universe that have, both consciously and subconsciously, the free will to choose between making a situation pleasurable or painful. The human body is hard-wired for pleasure with all of its senses, yet some of you are still experiencing pain. Ponder that a moment…..then make your free will known. The Universe will always oblige. ~ Creator

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