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+ '노아의 홍수'에 대한 진실 / 성서의 홍수는 엔릴의 차단장벽 창공 때문 [Candace]





'노아의 홍수'에 대한 진실 / 성서의 홍수는 창공 때문


Enlil 엔릴 이후... CM, Esu, Enki, Enlil and Candace


구약 성서에 나오는 노아 Noah 에 대한 Candace 님의 설명

http://www.abundanthope.net/talkitup...7437#post27437 #191  2014년 11월 14일





Candace: 나는 GLP에서 노아 Noah 에 대한 하나의 주제글에 계속해서 글을 게시하고 있습니다.



그 주제글의 Op(그 주제글의 최초 작성자를 말하는듯...)는 완고한 몰몬교 Mormon 인입니다. 여기에 내가 쓴 글들 중 몇 개를 올리려고 합니다...


노아 Noah 와 관련된 "신들 gods" 은 엔키 Enki 엔릴 Enlil 이었으며......창조주 creator 가 아닙니다.... 창조주 creator 신 God 은 위에서 말한 것에 대해서 아무 것도 말하지 않았습니다... 언젠가는 당신들은 성부(聖父)/하느님 아버지/아버지이신 신 God the Father 과 아눈나키 annunaki 와 다른 존재들 사이의 차이를 이해하게 될 것입니다. 구약성서 이야기들 중의 많은 것들이 아눈나키 annunaki 와 관련되어 있습니다. 엔키 Enki 와 엔릴 Enlil 은 엔키 Enki 가 발달시킨 하이브리드들 hybrids 을 어떻게 해야 할지에 대해 상당한 논쟁을 했습니다.




그러자 OP가 다음의 글을 썼습니다.


그것의 출처가 어디에서 기원한 것입니까?


C: 엔키 Enki 와 엔릴 Enlil 로부터 직접 들었습니다..... 엔키 Enki 의 서(Lost Book of Enki)를 읽어 보세요.. 온라인에서 공짜로 볼 수 있습니다. 나는 그들 둘 모두를 개인적으로 알고 있습니다... 엔키 Enki 는 몇 천년 전에 상승을 했으며, 엔릴 Enlil 은 최근에 이 세계에서 자신의 아눈나키 Anunnaki 의 왕위에서 물러났고, 지금은 사실 예수 그리스도 Jesus Christ 와 함께 일하고 있습니다... 그는 이 세계에 어둠의 작전(전략)에 대해서 거대한 양의 정보를 제공했습니다.


성서에 나오는 홍수는 창공 firmament 때문이었는데.. 그것은 수분을 차단하는 장벽이었는데 이 세계를 덮쳐서 40일 동안 비가 오게 했습니다. 엔키 Enki 는 하이브리드들 hybrids (다른 종 사이의 혼혈로 태어난 자들, 여기에서는 주로 휴머노이드와 랩틸리언의 사이의 혼종을 말함) 로부터.. 똑같은 혈통(후손들)이 창조되기를 원했고.... 엔릴 Enlil 은 하이브리드들 hybrids 이 되는 것에서 생기는 문제들 때문에 그들이 떠나야 한다고 생각했습니다. 엔키 Enki 는 똑같이 노아 Noah 와 그의 종족을 선택해서...계속 가기로 했는데.. 나는 노아 Noah 가 엔키 Enki 의 하이브리드 친척이었다고 생각합니다. 자세한 것은 확인이 필요합니다.


여러분의 구약성서는 그것이 멜기제덱 Melchizedek 이었다고 언급하는데.... 그는 약 기원전 2000년 경에 이 세계에서의 전쟁을 끝내려고 왔습니다. 그 시기 즈음에.. 엔키 Enki 의 종족과 엔릴 Enlil 의 종족 사이에... 핵전쟁이 있었습니다...




OP가 쓰기를: 성서는 지구의 90% 이상의 사람들에게 배급되어졌고 이용될 수 있는데, 그래서 성서가 수백 개의 선어로 번역되고 무료로 배급되어질 때, 당신이 언급하는 이 책이 뭐가 그렇게 눈여겨볼 만하다는 거죠?


왜냐하면 성서는 천차만별의 자료가 수집된 것인데.. 그것 모두가 좋은 것이 아닙니다. 그리고 엔키 Enki 는 자신의 종족인 아눈나키 anunnaki 와 여기에서의 그들의 역사에 대한 그 책의 저자입니다. 그(엔릴)가 그것(성서)을 썼습니다.


구약성서에 나오는 신 God 에 대한 대부분의 글은 인간들 HUMAN BEINGS 이며 신 GOD 이 아닙니다. 아눈나키 anunnaki 는 기술적으로 진보한(과학기술이 발달한) 인간이며, 매우 오랜 시간을 삽니다.... 엔릴 Enlil 은 450,000년이 넘게 똑같은 몸을 지니고 있습니다.... 그는 길쭉한 아눈나키 anunnaki 의 머리를 가지고 있습니다... 나는 그것을 보았습니다... 그것(길쭉한 머리)은 수 십만년이 넘게 뇌가 팽창하는 것에서 비롯되었니다.


엔키 Enki 가 상승한 이후로 그는 자신의 원래의 몸이 아닌, 상승한 형태의 몸을 입고 있습니다.


모세 Moses 의 이야기 또한... 신 God 이 아니라.. 여호아 행성 Planet Jehovah 에서 온 사람들이었습니다.. 그리고 나는 당신의 글에서 (그 내용을) 썼으며, 그래서 나는 오늘밤에 그것을 반복하지 않을 것입니다... 다시 하루 동안 통조림을 만든 후에 청소를 하느라 바쁩니다.


그리고 성서가 지구의 90%가 넘는 사람들이 볼 수 있다고 했는데 .... 그렇지 않습니다... 그것에 대해 들어본 적이 없는 사람들이 아직 많이 있습니다.



출처: http://www.abundanthope.net/talkitup/showthread.php?1024-After-Enlil엔릴-이후-CM-Esu-Enki-Enlil-and-Candace #9   번역: Evergreen



 아래 클릭하시면 2014. 1. 12  발표된 메시지 연결됩니다


+ 엔릴 후기 / 지구촌 - 어둠의 지배자 빛으로 돌아오다 [CM,Esu,Enki,Enlil.Candace]




[ 미 번역 ]



Some more of my teaching in the above thread that is TYPICAL of what we need to teach about God on this world.


I am a logical person and reincarnation is real and Jesus taught that and the corrupted thugs of this world did not allow it into your bible. How else can your MIND GROW without repetitive physical experience? Also there is NATURAL GOD LAW called LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE... and one thus can only be in the realms where ones energy matches.... This is a low low realm still Celestial and those of us incarnate here from the very very high realms are miserably as shit in this downgraded low vibration and spiritual energy here. or lack there of. Memorizing "holy books" does NOT increase knowledge nor grow the spirit.. Contact with LIFE DOES and this was taught by Jesus.


And not understood at the time and not understood now... The creation creations only in LOVE and the love vibration on this world still sucks big time.


If it did not such big time.. and it existed the brotherhood of all men would be present and it is not... Proof of war is the proof. where are my American brothers and sisters.... joining right in with Obama anyway.


Yesterday I was "treated" (oh hell no) to it being said that our thugs were trying to get TURKEY to go in and help remove Assad. It is none of Turkey's business. Syria belongs to Syrian people and exactly nobody else. Ditto the rest of the worlds nations.


You ones on this world will not move to higher vibrating places until you grow LOVE for your brothers and sisters and its not present in the Christian religions.... NONE of them except the Quakers that I have observed. And I have observed MANY.. And its evident right here on GLP too and on the various so called "Christian" forums out there.


YOU onES ARE NOT CHRIST KNOWING AT ALLL and you ones cannot live in the places of Christ Knowing until you learn to cooperate with the Brother Hood of MAN and that is how it is.


A "Christian" or God knowing Person.. knows they are God manifest on any world they live on be it evolutionary planets or the heaven planets. The God knowing Person connected with teh INDWELLING FATHER and is lead thru the heart and I see little heart in all those Christians I have grown up with over my 67 years on this planet in this life time.


This is my 6th service voluntary life time on this world and none of them have been pleasant.... My first was in Tibet.. and I detest that music there to this day. Many of us who came in over the last 600 years started there though because they did have a lot of the spiritual records of this world and access to the inner earth for more. It was a start. Even Jesus spent some time in Tibet beloved.. the ESU portion of the two that shared the meat suit.


IF this world is evacuated.. only those with heart can get into the beams that take you up to the craft FROM HEAVEN under the command of Jesus.. both of them who are returned and a lot of others.


Many of you would not board craft unless the air was full of volcanism and then its too late for them to come down into the atmosphere.


We are in the CORRECTING TIME... which means to correct your knowledge FAST because of the cosmic cycles the planet is in. I have posted that how many times here on GLP alone? You people are deceived and calling oneself a Christian does not prevent deception... YOUR MIND connected to the indwelling Father does. And Jesus taught that. You ones were under very poor management but most of those incarnate on this world chose that for themselves. By siding with Lucifer in the first place.


Again there are about 10 billion souls reincarnating here and the Mother GAIA is make her own ascension into heavenly status of connection with the Father and LOVE will prevail as the Father's energies change this world.


Many of us here are incarnate to suck those energies in and ground them into the physical matter of this world in addition to demonstrating christ level living on this planet.


The word "heaven" comes from HAVONA... the central universe from when all the creation came. and you cannot get there without the long spiritual journey. You cannot live one live on this sorry planet and make Paradise.. the highest point of vibration.


You do not take meat suits to heaven... You are provided even in the very lowest of the heaven worlds,, the mansion worlds with a NEW FORM... Which is however based on your spiritual DNA which is part of your soul record.


The bible does say you are to become LIKE THE FATHER, Knowing all things and you don't get there in one life.. nobody does. NOBODY DOES. You ones don't even truly realize there is a huge cosmos out there.. let alone approaching the Knowledge of the Spiritual Father of all things.


Eternal life is for Trillions upon trillions upon trillions of years. A trillion years is NOTHING in the annals of TIME. Let alone a short life on earth.


You will be given new bodies or have your existing semispiritual forms upgraded as you progress level to level. Just as on this world we start school at "preschool".. Kindergarten. elementary school and so on and so forth.. such as it is in your life eternal and this planet is barely in preschool as to planetary knowledge and accomplishments.


You will learn to live THRU YOUR HEART and educate yourself or you ones will stay preschoolers in the cosmos. And your bible is damn poor cosmic education.


Now what of your brothers and sisters.... Most of you do not concept who are"Christian" that this world was fully populated with Jesus and the other avatars INCARNATED to TEACH. EVERY RACE and CULTURE at their appropriate time has received incarnate teachers... and they all have their own HOLY WRITINGS and some of them are far better than the bible but nevertheless incomplete because knowledge is so far behind on this world and the thugs of this world have kept the knowledge base low and its done thru religion and politics and public schools.


Your MUSLIM brothers and sisters are just as holy as are "Christians"... Mohammed was not the thug made out to be in media and internet. He was Christ also. As were many others that have graced this sorry world. Do you ones concept how many have come since the MID 1800's alone all over the planet? MANY..... They have incarnated everywhere. And you ones still keep killing your brothers and sister in God.


the Jesus incarnation was special because it was the CREATOR SON of NEBADON who came and is returned with Esu the other sharing the journey. This is where the Son of MAN and the Son of God comes from. Esu was and is an ascendant being of HUMAN /Animal origin long long ago just as I AM.


Both of us are MIGHTY MESSENGERS from Paradise on assignment to this world thru the Ancients of Days of Orvonton.. (basically the milky Way but the Milky way is not all of ORVONTON,, but is the core of it). EVERYTHING IS GOVERNED BY THE CELESTIALS. And HUE -MAN is a celestial having earned it.


Your bible does say you become LIKE THE ANGELS and if that is currently missing it was removed. In fact in the KJV on the net using the search feature I cannot find material that is in my very old worn out bible. Yes I have read it. ALL OF IT.. I started that journey in High school and read it all then. Most of your who label Christians have not even read the whole thing.


The GOD of the OT is mostly the anunnaki. And other beings from other worlds... I should not have to repeat that. However some of the teachings in the OT are about the lower portions of the universe management... including the really sad coverage on Adam and Eve.


And I have news for all you ones.. when you do make the lower heaven worlds.. religion of the sort on this world is not practiced. BEcause it is STUPID. You are taught truth there and earth people making it there are a majorly big problem when it comes to giving up the mind control. It is very difficult . YOUR SALVATION BY THE MICHAEL OF NEBADON was the termination of Luciferian control of this planet. HE BOOTED THE SHITHEADS OFF THIS WORLD... And began the correcting time.