신성한 계획의 변경 - 교육 및 체험기간을 생략하고 "스타시스" 결정한 급박한 이유
“스타시스” 와 새로운 시대 시작에 관한 교육자료
스타시스, 미니스타시스, 비행선, 목성
Stasis, mini stasis, craft, Jupiter
Part 3 - AH - Candace GLP # 24-3 - page. 1
Candace -GLP 사이트에서 사용한 아이디. Nobody in Particular (OP)
1) 예, 우리는 스타시스에 관련되어있다. 그것은 어둠이 행성의 인구를 감소시키려 진행했던 일에 대한 시험적인 일이다. 그것은 아직 완전히 작업에 들어간 것이 아니고 시험의 수준이다. 어둠은 켐트레일 (화학제 분무공작)에 여전히 집착하지만. 그것은 신이 일을 하는 방식은 아니다.
만일 행성 인구를 감소시키는 일이 허용된다면 그런 일은 현재 어둠이 저지르는 식으로 참담한 살육을 통해 감소되는 것이 아니라 훨씬 고도의 절차를 거쳐서 감소가 될 것이다. 어둠의 도당은 고의적으로 배양한 악성 세균을 배포하거나 신경가스 형태의 독극물로 인류를 감소시키겠다는 것이 아닌가..
이 행성은 이미 천상 영역의 완전한 통제하에 들어가 있다. 이곳 인류는 이런 사실을 모르지만 그런 면에 있어서 인류는 현재 지구 영역에 어둠이 자행하는 일도 모른 상태이고, 천상이 어떤 작전을 하는지에 대한 영문도 모르는 상태이다.
2) 이곳은 말하자면 감옥 행성이다. 어둠의 도당 중에서 겨우 10%정도 만이 성장했고 그들만이 타인을 위해 봉사하는 중이다. 나머지는 여전히 이기적이며 자기들 목적을 위해서 인류를 희생시키고 있으며 엄청난 대규모 전쟁을 도모하고 있다. 그 전쟁이란 것이 로보트나 사이보그 군대를 동원해서 최악의 기술로 인류를 절멸시키겠다는 심산이다. 어둠은 어떤 상황에서도 물러서지 않겠다고 다짐하고 있다. 그러면 인류는 1차 2차 세계대전에서 겪었던 참화를 또다시 치러야만 한다. 현재 상태에서 인류의 대부분은 영문을 모르고 있다. 단지 소수만이 이것을 알고 평화를 염원할뿐이다. 그러니 스타시스를 통해서 그자들에게 명예를 줄 것이다.
3) 질문 [언제쯤 스타시스가 일어나는가? 과연 금융가나, 세계단일정부그룹 NOW 같은 존재들은 어떻게 되는가?]
모든 인간은 들어올려진다. 그리고 적절히 분류될 것이다. 도당은 네바돈 은하우주와 오르본톤 초우주의 대법정에 서게 될 것이다. 사실 행성 주민이나 임무를 수행한 천사 요원들은 각 시대의 종막에서 재판을 거치게 된다. 거기서 보상이 주어지기도 한다. 또 여전히 공부가 요구되는 자에겐 새로운 과업이 부과된다. 이는 다시 육화의 과정을 거칠 수도 있다는 것이다. 이런 절차는 예외없이 다 부과되는 것이다.
4) 스타시스로 들어간다고 하더라도 천상에서는 제맘대로 빔을 쪼여서 데려가지는 않는다. 그 사람의 동의를 받고서 들어올림 행위이든 구조든 하는 것이다. 아무리 문제많은 영혼이라 하더라도 그들 스스로의 개인의견이 존중될 것이며 자유의지의 계약은 지켜지는 것이다. 다만 행성이 격변을 거치며 인류의 생존이 위협받는 절체절명의 상황이라면 파라다이스 고위위원회의 사전승락아래 행성 주민을 의사에 관계없이 대피시킨다는 특별 조치는 있다.
이번에 지구행성의 스타시스와 대피작업은 이런 인류생존의 위협이 고려되었다.
인류는 특히 사이보그를 이용한 기계지능적 절멸 시나리오에 의해 생존이 극도로 위협받고 있기때문이다. (이하 원문 참조)
원문은 아래 GLP 클릭 !!
Stasis, mini stasis, craft, Jupiter
Part 3 - AH - Candace GLP # 24-3 - page. 1
캔더스 대표가 GLP 사이트에서 사용한 아이디. Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 5787814
United States
12/02/2011 01:47 PM
Yes we are regarding the stasis. That is a testing going on b
Yes we are regarding the stasis. That is a testing going on by the dark to reduce the planetary
population. Its not fully working yet, still in test stage, regards the dark chemtrails. Its not how God
does things. If planetary over population reduction is going to be allowed, it is allowed on better
planets than this one that have made poor choices, and people are allowed to experience what
they caused from the natural diseases that arise in those situations. They do not allow the dark
thugs on worlds like this to deliberately murder large populations by lab created diseases or nerve
gas type poisoning. This planet is now under the full management of heaven realms.
The people do not know here, and are thus not held accountable for what they do not know in that
regard. This is a prison ward as I have said before, for thugs and only about 10% of them grew
up, into the beginning of service to others way of doing things. The rest remained in self service at
the expense of others and are now preparing the major world war, using robotic cyborg armies
and other terrible technologies, between the two major powers, and they will not step down from
that, so we are moving forward for all these too, to end the show and let GAIA rise up. If the
planetary people were in support of massive killing wars, like world war 1 and 2, then these are
allowed so people can experience what they have partaken in. But at this stage there are many
people on this world who don't have a clue and otherwise there are also many who sincerely want
peace, and by the stasis we are giving honor to that.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Thanks for your explanation NIP. How many weeks or months away before the statis happens?
What will happen to the bankers, NWO, etc, on this planet?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3134826
days to weeks. all human beings will be lifted
days to weeks. all human beings will be lifted and sorted appropriately. the thugs will be facing the
Nebadon and in some cases the Orvonton courts. in fact all planetary citizens and the various
angelics in duty on a planet are "judged" at the conclusion of each age. Those deserving rewards
get them, those needing more lessons get them. Just like you get work reviews at work, and
report cards and grades in school, so it works also for everyone serving on a planet, a job well
done or not. Promotions occur often for jobs well done and demotions or back to class, depending
on the circumstances for others of the management angelics on a planet. Ascending sons and -- AH- Candace GLP # 24-3 -- page. 2
prisoners are all sorted to where they need to be, and the thugs are judged in actual courts.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 12/02/2011 01:55 PM
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 6362104
United States
12/02/2011 04:08 PM
Bump! For the unanswered posts OP... Anxiously awaiting, really!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4441392
I'm getting there, this not my onl
I'm getting there, this not my only activity. I could probably not post in some of the others
though. I do have this personal pinned so I will see if it's be posted in. I just came back in from
being out for about 3 hours. I lost some time this past weekend and Monday dealing with a
breakin in my own forum etc. I am behind in life again, but getting there.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
they won't dare beam anyone of us up without our express consent, and if they do they will come
to regret it as it goes against the Free Will Covenant.
spiritual entities from all form of ilk are required to honor same, regardless of their personal
opinions of themselves.
just to be clear.
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 5932524
United States
12/02/2011 04:18 PM
Bump! For the unanswered posts OP... Anxiously awaiting, really!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4441392
I'm getting there, this not my only activity. I could probably not post in some of the others
though. I do have this personal pinned so I will see if it's be posted in. I just came back in from
being out for about 3 hours. I lost some time this past weekend and Monday dealing with a
breakin in my own forum etc. I am behind in life again, but getting there.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
Hope you are ok Nip, I'm also anxiously waiting to read more. I feel so excited &
hope that's not inappropriate all things considered
Hope you are ok Nip, I'm also anxiously waiting to read more. I feel so excited &
hope that's not inappropriate all things considered...-- AH- Candace GLP # 24-3 -- page. 3
Anonymous Coward
User ID: 15933
United States
12/02/2011 04:36 PM
Will the animals go too?
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 5787814
United States
12/02/2011 04:37 PM
Bump! For the unanswered posts OP... Anxiously awaiting, really!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4441392
I'm getting there, this not my only activity. I could probably not post in some of the others
though. I do have this personal pinned so I will see if it's be posted in. I just came back in from
being out for about 3 hours. I lost some time this past weekend and Monday dealing with a
breakin in my own forum etc. I am behind in life again, but getting there.
Quoting: Nobody in Particular
they won't dare beam anyone of us up without our express consent, and if they do they will come
to regret it as it goes against the Free Will Covenant.
spiritual entities from all form of ilk are required to honor same, regardless of their personal
opinions of themselves.
just to be clear.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6362104
the rules change at the end of the age, and when the final catastrophes begin they can, do, and
will empty the planet, so don't start that stuff here again. Until then "interference" is done by
incarnation,, public teaching and the like. When we incarnate we can work within the planet. but
when the axis shift, pole reversal, atomic catastrophe, or massive global deaths at the hands of
the thugs, by robot armies, and massive genocides begin they can and do.
These decisions are made at the very highest of the management and in the case of this planet
and some of its issues here, combined with the ascending energies and the free will choice of
GAIA, they will evacuate. we are at that point. Most people because of the alien bullshit out there
will not board craft in my own country, that is why they will be lifted during stasis. They don't know -- AH- Candace GLP # 24-3 -- page. 4
any better. Every single HUMAN being will be lifted off the planet before the arrival of the huge
wave that will no longer be mitigated.
These decisions are made even at the level of Paradise regards the outcome of this planet. This
is no ordinary planet. The cyborg war coming will lead to the total collapse of life here, along with
the poisoning of the people intended and going on for years now.
That this shit has been allowed IS related to the laws allowing free will actions, but you must
remember that most of the people are this world are NOT living in their free will, they are enslaved
and have begged to be relieved of that slavery. When the people ASK, then it can be done.
This planet because of her own ascension will no longer be able to host thugs, her energy will be
too high. Under stand all planets are prepared for life and watched over. Free will only goes so far.
ON prison wards people are given an opportunity by experiencing their own bullshit to choose to
align their free will with that of the Father/Creation. Those that do not, continue their experience
on other prison wards. You do not enter the higher realms until you earn it. And do to the laws of
spirit and mater/nature you can't survive in the higher realms anyway.
People will be lifted because they do not have enough knowledge to effect an honest free will
choice. Half the population occupying human bodies are still mental animals, and have no true
free will because they do not think well. All that is taken into consideration.
Lucifer wanted the ultimate free will. He himself would not subject himself to the rules of the higher
realms. He rebelled it and drew lots of support. His experiment was a total failure, and that failure
is going to be rectified.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 12/02/2011 04:47 PM
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 5787814
United States
12/02/2011 04:55 PM
Candace--I always enjoy your threads when i can read them, that is.
I can't stand all the hateful comments some so childishly choose to post. It actually physically
hurts and I admire your strength
Some days I feel like I wouldn't be able to handle it so I skip your posts and catch up later.
Much love to you!
I would like to ask you a question, if you have a minute. I've asked you things before and your
answers always sit just right with me.
Lately--the past several days--I just don't feel like myself.
Out of sorts and bordering on confusion and maybe even disorientation.-- AH- Candace GLP # 24-3 -- page. 5
Things seem surreal. Everything seems to take place in slow motion at times. Colors look
different. My ear ringing has intensified and at times I feel lost.
I see grids when I close my eyes and I hear voices, but I've come to the conclusion that I'm
clairaudient--you should hear some of the stuff I hear! LOL!
I've heard voices since I can remember so that doesn't bother me.
One day I had to force myself to remember where I was. That scared me. Thankfully it only
happened once.
Sometimes when I'm driving it feels like the road is tipping sideways.
I'm healthy and have always been blessed with a killer constitution and immune system so I really
don't think I need to see a doctor at this point and I feel fine physically.
I feel something huge is right around the corner. Maybe the things you talk about???
I almost have the jitters and am edgy with anticipation.
It's driving me crazy!
Last night I was lying in bed with my reading light and puzzle as I do every night and I was told
"Close your eyes and I'll tell you something". So I did, hoping for an answer, but I fell asleep pretty
quick and I don't remember my dreams.
Please--what is going on? Is this normal at this point?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1124291
Candace--please if you have a minute, could you address this for me.
It's all getting worse and I can't come up with a way to calm myself.
Music usually works for me, but I can't listen long enough right now.
I can't relax much less meditate. Much too hyper. I'm constantly distracted and my mind is racing.
The butterflies in my stomach are almost constant and I have almost zero appetite and my hands
have started shaking at times.
What is it and how can I calm down?
Is what you're talking about really close? Is that what I'm anticipating?
Or am I losing my mind?
Can anyone help me?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1124291
Have you ever been diagnosed with a magnesium imbalance?
Most people are anymore a lot of your issues might be coming from that. Anyway there is a
product called Natural Calm that may help you out a bit I am not saying it will cure but it may help.
As always check with your doctor or nature path on anything.
Best deal on line for it:
[link to www.iherb.com]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1360138-- AH- Candace GLP # 24-3 -- page. 6
Yes I have a serious issue with magnesium imbalance and that is the leading cause of restless
leg syndrome which I had and was on Klonopin for it until my doctor was on vacation and his
substitute took one look at me and sent me to an allergy clinic, (legs were hugely swollen). As
soon as they asked me about my restless legs, an immediate asap blood test was done, and I
was put on magnesium. I cannot skip my supplements for it, I will have restless legs by bedtime.
guaranteed. I carry it in my purse in the event something happens so I have it, and also
instructions in the purse about my needs should I wake up in the hospital or something. Getting
OFF the Klonopin was an experience I never want again and I surely understand withdrawal
syndrome in people now and have great understanding of it.
Last Edited by Nobody in Particular on 12/02/2011 04:55 PM
Nobody in Particular (OP)
Busy Rattling Cages on GLP
User ID: 5787814
United States
12/02/2011 05:07 PM
Will the animals go too?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15933
Generally yes, ones that live with humans being evacuated at any rate. Most of the rest will be on
pause during stasis. The earth changes will cause huge volcanism, so much even the plants will
not do well either and will also be asleep. As the volcanism subsides, they will be awakened first,
as they will love the air then and flourish like crazy, and in the process helping cleanse and
rebalance the oxygen. Then when the Oxygen content becomes high enough the wild animals will
be awakened. Some species of plants and animals that will be lost from lands going down, maybe
be rescued if they should continue as part of the changes. There are animals that are not in
resonance with an ascending planet and dangerous to man that will be removed. In fact is this
was forward world, you would do that, as part of taking care of this world.
In terms of stasis, each planet and animal type has a different frequency, and that is why certain
ones can be awakened at various times. They can also just put humans into stasis for example, in
the frequency range of human. When we were going to do temporary stasis in the past, the range
would include the mammals typical of pets and livestock, so they would not suffer from lack of
요약번역: PeterKim http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7862737
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