치열하게 전개되는 비밀 폭로전에서 중국의 역할
데이빗윌콕은 영성을 갗춘 대단한 인물입니다. 그가 중국과 외계인류 (ET, 우리말로 은하연합)가 일루미나티 NWO를 저지한다고 제목을 뽑았습니다. 폭로가 정말 가까이 다가왔다고요. 그렇죠.
그의 최근 보고서를 요약하면 다음과 같습니다.
1) 현재 국제적 전쟁이 치열히 전개되고있는데 폭로전을 저지하는 군대와 이를 감행하는 군대간에 벌어지고 있다. 중국은 폭로전을 이끌고 있는데 이 진행은 신성한 계획의 시점을 성취해 나가고있다. 은하연합은 중국이 이를 수행할수있도록 모든 도움을 주었다.
2) 중국과 은하연합의 접촉은 1940년대이후 진행되었다. 이후 세계적 다양한 대결이 벌어졌고 중국은 전자기펄스 EMP 기술을 이용해 구세계지배세력을 좌절시켰다. 가령 지난 토요일 미국 공군이 보유한 ICBM 핵무기의 9분지일에대한 통제를 무력화시켰다. 중국은 최근에 미사일 한기를 궤도에 올렸고 미 해군연습작전 상황에서 그 한가운데에 잠수함을 표면에 등장시키는 신기를 펼치며 세계를 경악케 만들었다.
3) 중국은 세계 120개국 지도자들에게 10월13일부로 개봉하라는 조건을 붙여서 소포물을 발송했는데 이 안에는 자유에너지 장치와 이의 작동원리를 담은 기술자료들이 동봉되어져 있었다. 이제 세계 에너지 공급은 이 장치와 원리로 사탄 군대의 족쇄에서 풀려졌다.
4) 이 과정은 위키리크스 아산지의 기밀자료 소포와 일치한다. 중국은 위키리크스가 위협받고 아산지가 해를 입는다면 그의 향후 엄청난 비밀 자료를 대행해서 폭로해나갈 것이다. 아산지는 은하연합의 활동상과 지구행성에서의 계획을 폭로해나갈 것이다.
( 이하는 원문 참조)
China and ET checkmate NWO. Disclosure really very close
Dec 6, 2010 - 1:19:42 PM
David Wilcock’s most recent article (http://tinyurl.com/3xm3d9p) is very long but also very important. To make sure that no one goes without at least some knowledge of it, here is a summary.
There is an international fight currently underway between forces that oppose disclosure and forces that want it.
China is leading the forces that want disclosure. David suggests that we may have passed the divine deadline for disclosure (my term, not David’s) and so the rules of the game (David’s term, not mine) may have changed, allowing the ETs to do far more now and empowering China to do what David says they have done.
Many of the unusual events that we have seen of late are all traceable to China’s efforts to show other powers that it has the ability to defeat their attempts to exert force and tie up disclosure.
As they say on the news, now the details.
Apparently China has been in touch with ETs since the 1940s.
There is an extreme, multi-faceted worldwide effort to bring the cabal down. China, allegedly assisted by extraterrestrials, has used electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) technology to force the “Old World Order” to stand down. But even the white hats at the Pentagon (as opposed to the black hats) do not want China to come off as the shining star of disclosure.
China arranged for the U.S. Air Force to lose complete command and control of one-ninth of their ICBM arsenal last Saturday.
China may have launched one of the missiles seen recently. A Chinese submarine surfaced in the midst of an American Navy exercise recently, shocking everyone.
China gave 120 world leaders a package to be opened Oct. 13 and said that, if they were opened ahead of time or not opened after a certain date, they would explode and destroy six city blocks. The package contained documents outlining how to build free-energy devices as well as the devices themselves and many secrets which the Chinese wanted declassified. Insiders expect this entire treasure trove of documents to be delivered to Assange at some point.
China also used EMP technology to disable a wide variety of corporate and military assets, including a British submarine, a French aircraft carrier, American oil refineries, American and Iranian nuclear plants, American missiles, Qantas airliners, Carnival cruise ships, American TV channels, etc.
Their message was “You can’t stop us.”
Wikileaks may be being used by a number of countries and organizations as well as by the galactics to promote the disclosure effort by being fed documents designed to disembowel the national-security state and cripple the cabal. One of the ends Wikileaks was promoting was to give President Obama the excuse to exit Afghanistan. The next use of Wikileaks may be to disseminate documents on UFOs to force disclosure.
Wikileaks is persuading other bloggers to create sites to leak documents too. Wikileaks has an “insurance package” of documents that have been held back and will be released if anything happens to Julian or their sites.
The Powers that Were want to assassinate Assange because they know what future document disclosures are planned. If they assassinate Assange, they won’t stop the document disclosure but they will have created a martyr and a much more receptive populace. Assange has warned that any attempt to detain or harm him will result in a deluge of disclosure. This move suggests that Assange is being advised by seasoned intelligence professionals.
Certain disclosure-related details are also being leaked through a number of online UFO forums. (ATS? Godlike Productions?)
The Event
It is thought that The Event is being 60% paid for by the Pentagon to promote disclosure. The Event is disclosure-oriented and portrays up-to-the-minute events.
UFO/ET Disclosure
We may not know when it will come until minutes before. These are the last days before the announcement.
Financial Crash
The Powers that Were feel they are running out of time and are trying to create a financial disaster that would lead to the deaths of 4.5 billion people (Steve: of course they will not be successful so not to worry; see “Ready-Reference Guide: There is No Need to Fear” at http://stevebeckow.com).
China has created a surprising counter-move to this financial attack – see David’s first China’s October Surprise article. China’s plan appears to have Obama’s approval.
The Old World Order has been accustomed to thinking that they could do whatever they wanted and the ETs would not interfere – until now. But now they – and the Chinese – are interfering.
Stuxnet Virus
Stuxnet, which was used to shut down the Iranian nuclear reactor, was an ET-designed virus. It has a secondary meaning: U.S. Next.
출처: http://abundanthope.net/pages/Giuseppe_103/OLD-Word-Order.shtml
번역멘트: http://blog.daum.net/petercskim/7860720
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